Characteristics and Implications of Relict Carbonate Paleoshorelines
Throughout the Florida-Bahamas region, the accumulation of coastal carbonate deposits, excepting the present highstand, appears to be episodic. Back through time these deposits provide...

Engineering Change at MIT
The first class to fulfill requirements established at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as part of a revision of the civil and environmental curricula graduated in 2001. The changes...

A History of Progress
Selected U.S. Papers in Geotechnical Engineering
Sponsored by the Geo-Institute of ASCE This collection of 78 historical papers provides a wide view of the rich body of literature that documents the...

Sewer (Asset) Inspection and Condition Assessment Tools Required, Benefits Realized and Lessons Learned
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (District) owns, operates and maintains a vast interceptor sewer system that serves the City of Cleveland and all or parts of 58 suburban communities....

Multifaceted Trenchless Rehabilitation at the Middletown, Ohio WWTP
This paper describes the multiple trenchless technologies that were evaluated and the ones that were applied to the rehabilitation of a 78la diameter corrugated metal influent line and...

Economic Restoration of Concrete Infrastructure at Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
United States municipalities are spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually tore place and repair corroded concrete infrastructures in wastewater systems. Structures such as wet...

A Major Water Main Crossing of the Ohio River at Cincinnati
This presentation chronicles a major water main crossing of the Ohio River at Cincinnati. The project is of interest because it provides for the interstate sale of drinking water and technical...

An Aggressive I/I Abatement Program is Underway as Part of Vallejos Wet Weather Program
The Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District (VSFCD) is undertaking an aggressive pilot program to control wet weather flows and eliminate sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) that are...

Turbulence, Bottom Boundary Conditions, and Sediment Transport in a Shallow Water Habitat
Field experiments were designed to explore the effects of vegetation on the hydrodynamics and sediment transport in Franks Tract, a shallow water habitat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin...

Sediment and Nutrient Monitoring and Modeling in Lake Tahoe Basin, California, U.S.A.
The water quality of Trout Creek, South Lake Tahoe, California is monitored to assess the system's response to stream restoration. It is the principal endeavor to conduct a systematic...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 2001
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 166, 2001 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal and periodical papers and technical notes, Civil Engineering - ASCE feature...

Focusing on geotechnical projects that use unique techniques and innovative processes, the magazine provides the everyday, real world details that geotechnical professionals need to know. Geo-Strata is...

Buffalo Cove Water Management Unit, Atchafalaya Basin, LA: A Case Study
The Atchafalaya Basin is a system undergoing change in topography and subsequently, hydraulics and hydrology. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers funded and constructed an initial small-scale...

FishXing 2.0 Software and Learning Systems for the Analysis of Fish Migration through Culverts
A brief explanation of the software FishXing....

Penn State's Graduate Option in Watershed Stewardship
A Graduate Option in Watershed Stewardship has been created at Penn State with the objective of educating water resources students to implement team-oriented, interdisciplinary problem...

Watershed Management Education at The University of Arizona
Watershed management education at the University of Arizona is described and discussed in the perspective of other educational programs, and national and international activity. The Watershed...

Watersheds: Preparing Students for the Future
Colorado State University continues to maintain the only undergraduate major in Watershed Science since its inception over four decades ago. As the flagship of Watershed Science, CSU has...

Water Quality Restoration of the Mammoth Cave Karst Aquifer: A Work in Progress
Over tens of thousands of years the aquatic ecosystem of the Mammoth Cave Karst Aquifer evolved in concordance with natural recharge supplied through 24,000 hectares of tall-grass prairie...

Effects of Wildfire on Water Supplies: A Case Study from Denver, Colorado
Wildfires can directly impact municipal water supplies by increasing a watersheds susceptibility to erosion, and thereby potentially increasing the transport of sediment and organic matter...

Erosion from an Industrial Forest Road in the Ouachita Mountains of Southeastern Oklahoma
Erosion from 4 segments of a 2-year old forest road in a 740 ha basin was measured for each of 105 storms that occurred in a 3.5 year period. Two road segments were part of a mid-slope...





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