Influence of Lateral Wind on Driving on Offshore Bridge
The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges are a system of highways crossing over the sea, where cross-winds variously affect vehicle behaviour. This is the intermediate report on the surveys aimed at...

Getting Ahead of Snow and Ice
Winter maintenance is not the same anymore. New weather forecasting technologies are permitting snow and ice fighters to better predict when unsafe winter weather conditions will occur....

Traffic Accident Analysis System
While statistical data on traffic accidents are invaluable in devising effective traffic safety measures, the number of data items and samples are vast and they must be processed and edited...

SNCF High-Speed Trains: 15 Years of Design, 13 TGV Generations
Less than ten years after the first high-speed revenue service, SNCF has just placed an order for a third generation of TGV rolling stock: the double-deck TGV. Between two generations,...

Early Field Experience with SUPERPAVE
Specific pavement studies of newly constructed, reconstructed or rehabilitated (resurfaced) pavement sections were used to provide an estimate of the relative influence of key pavement...

Real Time Public Transport Information Systems in SCOPE
The objective of this work is to demonstrate the use of Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) in a multimodal transport environment. The focus of the work is on the integration of ATT methods...

Connecticut I-95 Incident Management System
Strategies for minimizing the impact of freeway incidents on traffic flow/congestion are reffered to as 'incident management'. The incident management process involves the following: reducing...

Bonded Concrete Overlays for Rehabilitation of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
As a result of the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), significant funding is now available for the rehabilitation of the nation's Interstate highway system....

Machine Vision Based Traffic-Adjusted Intersection Signal Control
This paper describes some of the available machine vision systems and how they can be effectively used for traffic control at an intersection. A set of rules have been defined which make...

Digital Image Techniques for Volume Change Measurements in Triaxial Tests
This paper presents an innovative technique that has been used for measuring the volumetric deformation that cylindrical specimens experience during the shearing stages of a triaxial test....

Pavement Design Considerations for Heavy Aircraft Loading at BAA Airports
BAA operates seven airports in the United Kingdom. Two of them, Heathrow and Gatwick, handled 61 million passengers in 1991 with 543,000 air transport movements, 25% by wide-bodied aircraft....

Densification of Asphalt Pavements by Traffic
Since asphalt pavements rut when the voids are filled with asphalt (and voids can become filled by traffic densification) the voids that develop under traffic are vital to any mix design...

The Fundamental Gap in Urban Transportation
This is not a technical paper. It is perspective paper, designed to detail the failure of current urban transportation strategies and call for new thinking and action responsive to the...

Las Vegas?A Significant APM Market
Las Vegas, the gambling and entertainment center of the nation, contains the world's largest concentration of hotels and casinos, and attracts over 18 million visitors a year. APMs have...

Determining AGT Feasibility and Potential Alignments for Mission Valley
The objective of the Mission Valley Guideway Transit Study was to assess the feasibility of developing a completely elevated, fully automated guideway transit system to serve as a circulator/distributor...

Hiroshima Seibukyuryo New Town and the New Transit System
This paper introduces a project that will have far reaching social, economic, and cultural significance and which has been labeled as one of the projects that will initiate development...

The New Transit System Plan for Sendai City
It is observed recently in Sendai City that the motor traffic from suburban residential areas to the city center is rapidly increasing and incoming cars are often delayed in the morning...

APM Activities in Gothenburg
The Gothenburg Traffic Authority has found that new traffic policy goals are very difficult to achieve with conventional public transport techniques. Two studies on new concepts have been...

Planning and Management
This proceedings, Infrastructure Planning and Management, consists of papers presented at two parallel conferences held in Denver, Colorado,...

Microcomputers in Transportation
Microcomputers continue to revolutionize the productivity and creativity of transportation professionals leading to improvements in transportation planning, design, and management processes....





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