Dependence of Radionuclide Sorption on Sample Grinding Surface Area, and Water Composition
Experiments are described that were designed to quantify the dependence of sorption properties and surface area on the crushed-particle size of the rock samples used in batch sorption...

Research at Howard University on Retardation of Radionuclides by Sorption Processes During Host Rock?Ground Water Interactions
Extensive sorption measurements were made over a period of several years, of major radionuclides in J-13 Well water with Yucca Mountain tuff samples. Most of these measurements were single...

Diffusion of Sorbing and Non-Sorbing Radionuclides
Diffusion is considered one of the most important retardation mechanisms in fractured media. The diffusion experiments conducted involved solid tuff and groundwater from Yucca Mountain....

Surface Complexation Model Prediction of Np and Pu Distribution Coefficients
Robust estimates of radionuclide sorption coefficients (Kd) are needed to estimate radionuclide retardation during ground-water transport from a...

The SECO Suite of Codes for Site Performance Assessment
Modeling for performance assessment of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) has led to development of the SECO suite of codes for groundwater flow, particle tracking, and transport....

Groundwater Flow Modelling for the TVO-92 Safety Analysis of Spent Fuel Disposal
The TVO-92 safety analysis of spent fuel disposal is based on preliminary site investigations carried out at five sites in Finland between 1987 and 1992. Groundwater flow analyses have...

Crisis Management Training at Nuclear Facilities: Simulations in Bomb Threats
Substantial enhancements to the study of the theoretical and applied foundations of crisis management have been achieved in recent years. Whereas risk managers study 'the probability that...

Safeguards and Security Issues at the MRS Facility
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) is responsible for disposing of the nation's high level radioactive waste in a way that ensures...

Borehole Security on the Yucca Mountain Project
A borehole security plan was developed and is being implemented to address safety, environmental protection and restoration, waste isolation, and security concerns related to boreholes...

Evaluation of Borosilicate Glass as a High-Level Radioactive Waste Form
The choice of a borosilicate glass as a high-level nuclear waste form is evaluated base on observations of natural and artifical glass hydration and reaction, experimental results of glass...

Hanford Ferrocyanide Reactivity: Effects of Other Tank Constituents
In this study simulated wastes were used to determine the effect of potential waste constituents on the reactivity and explosivity of Hanford ferrocyanide-bearing wastes. Test results...

Localized Corrosion Prediction for Nuclear Waste Disposal Container Materials
When the bentonite is used in the geological disposal of high-level wastes as a buffer material to stand between containers and host rocks, thereby turning the pH of the groundwater slightly...

Robust-Multibarrier Waste Package Thermal Evaluation
One of the key issues to be addressed in developing a successful permanent radioactive waste storage concept is the thermal effect due to the spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The thermal output...

Core and Reaming Bit Studies in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
The Site Characterization Project is a major part of the work in determining the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a potential high level waste repository. Over 100 exploratory drill holes...

Fear of Permanence: The Challenge of Siting Interim Facilities
This paper examines an increasingly urgent and surprisingly difficult task: siting potentially hazardous facilities that are intended to operate for a limited period, such as a Monitored...

Managing Nuclear Waste: Social and Economic Impacts
Recent research has focused on perceptions of risk as a dominant source of economic impacts due to siting a high level radioactive waste facility. This article addresses the social and...

Isotope-Geochemical Investigations of Volcanic Rocks in the Vicinity of the Radiochemical Plant Mayak (Russia)
Russian programmes on radioactive waste management consider a possibility to organize an underground laboratory and subsequently an underground repository for intermediate- and high-level...

Ecological Risk Assessment of Proposed Deep Geologic Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste in Canada
Using population dynamic models of moose and brook trout, and assuming topographic, hydrographic and other habitat features typical of the Canadian Shield in Ontario, we have estimated...

Defending the Environmental Standpoint: A Report of the Work of Environment Canada in Assessing the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal Concept
Environment Canada, the Canadian environmental department, is participating as an intervenor in the federal environmental assessment of AECL's nuclear fuel waste disposal concept to ensure...

Simulating the Behavior of Natural Geological Systems: Sources of Uncertainty and Bias
Post-closure performance assessments are used, in conjunction with controlled laboratory experiments and observations on natural systems, to generate confidence that a radioactive waste...





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