Multi-Purpose Canisters as an Alternative for Storage, Transportation, and Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel
A study was conducted to assess the feasibility of using multi-purpose canisters to handle spent nuclear fuel throughout the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System. Multi-purpose...

A Multi-Purpose Unit Concept to Integrate Storage, Transportation, and the Engineered Barrier System
The Multi-Purpose Unit (MPU) is a new concept for standardizing and integrating the waste management functions of spent fuel storage, transportation, and geologic disposal. The MPU concept...

A Concept to Combine DOE Waste Minimization Goals with Commercial Utility Needs for a Universal Container System for Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage, Transportation, and Disposal
The concept of storing, transporting, and disposing of spent fuel using a single package, which has obvious advantages, is put forward. It is coupled with using contaminated scrap metal...

Systems Implications of Repository Thermal Loading
A study was conducted to determine if implementation of a hot, cold or intermediate repository thermal loading strategy would have specific impacts on the overall Civilian Radioactive...

Code Requirement for Concrete Repository and Processing Facilities
Because of varied uses and performance/safety requirements of concrete for high, medium and low level radioactive wastes, a review of the current ACI 349 Code document was carried out...

Critical Stresses in Nuclear Waste Container Under Normal Handling Conditions
Critical stresses in the pintle, flat tophead, canister shell, the bottom plate and in the weldment of a high level nuclear waste canister are evaluated under a variety of static and dynamic...

Effects of Core Sealing Methods on the Preservation of Pore Water
Five general core sealing methods (using Protecore, Lexan, wax, Protecore with wax, and Protecore with Lexan) were studied over a two year period to determine their moisture retention...

Two-Way Communication: A Case Study in Improving Public Interactions
Successful public interaction requires several key elements. They include: a non-intimidating forum for exchanging information, two-way communication, advance preparation to identify what...

Cultivating Public Involvement: Going Beyond the Nuclear Waste Policy Act
Congress, recognizing that States, Indian tribes, and local governments have a unique and vested interest in the siting of high-level radioactive waste facilities, gave these parties special...

Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal: The Canadian Consultative Approach
Over the past two decades society has demanded more public participation and public input into decision-making by governments. Accordingly, development of the Canadian concept for deep...

Scenario Development for Safety Demonstration for Deep Geological Disposal in Switzerland
A scenario development procedure has been developed that is appropriate to the safety assessment approach chosen by Nagra and to the Swiss regulatory requirements. The procedure is seen...

Modeling Storage Behavior in a Fractured Rock Mass
To represent single bore hole injection tests in fractured rock masses, a transient model has been implemented, based on a three dimensional stochastic description of the fracture network....

Quality-Assurance Program Description Defense Waste Processing Facility
This paper describes the Westinghouse Savannah River Company's (WSRC) quality assurance program for defense-waste processing at the Savannah River Site (SRS). WSRC is the operating contractor...

A Job Performance Aid to Criticality Safety
The handling of hazardous materials is becoming more and more of a major concern to everyone. As a result the laws and restrictions regulating the handling, storage, disposal etc., of...

Perspectives on Out-of-Pool Spent Fuel Storage Requirements 1992-2036
The estimates of requirements for additional storage capacity for spent nuclear fuel from commercial LWRs in the United States are examined in this study. A comparison of this study's...

Throughput Rate Study
The Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System (CRWMS) Management and Operating (M&O) Contractor, has completed a study to analyze system wide impacts of operating the CRWMS...

Systems Integration and Economic Aspects of the Universal Container System
Universal containers (UC) are multi-assembly spent fuel containers that are loaded and sealed at reactor sites or the first DOE facility. They are thereafter handled as clean containers...

ATW System Impact on High-Level Waste
Criteria are developed for transmutation system impact on HLW storage that are related to intrusion and long-term risk reduction. Thermal reactor, fast reactor, and accelerator-driven,...

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Development of the License Application Review Plan for a High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has recently started a new initiative to develop the License Application Review Plan (LARP) which the staff will use in its reviews of the U.S....

Limited Work Authorization for a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility
The issuance of an limited work authorization (LWA) by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC/Commission) allows a potential licensee permission to undertake preliminary site construction,...





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