Full Scale Dynamic Monitoring of Highway Bridges
Sensitivity of identified modal properties by physical testing is critical for automated monitoring of bridge structural condition. It is investigated here considering flexure modes and...
Construction of CCM Overtopping Protection on Three Parkway Dams
Cellular concrete mat (CCM) systems have been installed as overtopping protection on three small embankment dams along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Based on field tests by others and on the...
Experimental Evaluation of Reservoir Bottom Remediation Material
Open trenches developed through a compacted clay liner on the bottom of a reservoir. An experimental investigation has been conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using silt-sized, nonplastic...
Remedial Design and Construction to Improve a Sliding Embankment
The paper describes the studies made to identify the nature of possible remedial measures such as improved drainage, removal of the weak clay layer or a provision of a buttressed dam....
Construction and Verification of Ground Improvements at Mormon Island Auxiliary Dam
Mormon Island Auxiliary Dam, part of the Folsom Dam and Reservoir Project near Sacramento, California, is founded on alluvial materials that were dredged and processed for gold on several...
Development of High Performnance Shotcrete (Theoretical Considerations)
This paper presents some theoretical considerations for studies on high performance wet-mix shotcrete. A new laboratory shotcrete pump and rheometer are being developed to study the effects...
Accelerator for Shotcrete Based Amorphous Calcium Aluminate
The authors developed an accelerator based on amorphous cacium aluminate named NATMIC for shotcrete. In Japan, accelerator based amorphous calcium aluminate are widely used in shotcrete...
The Causticity of Accelerator for Shotcrete and its Impairment on Strength of Shotcrete
How on earth is the toxic and caustic injury of accelerator for shotcrete to operators and animals? How about its impairment on strength of shotcrete? The paper gives some reports and...
Large Scale Testing of Shotcrete
A large scale test program was carried out to evaluate the relative roles of steel fiber and mesh reinforced shotcrete for hard rock stabilization. The most realistic conditions in a tunnel...
A Comparative Study of Different Steel Fibers in Shotcrete
Two steel fiber reinforced shotcrete (sfrs) test programs have been carried out in eastern Canada using steel fibers which are available in the north American marketplace. The first program...
Influence of Early-Age Properties of Shotcrete on Tunnel Construction Sequences
This paper presents a study on influence of the properties of young shotcrete as a tunnel lining on tunnel construction sequences, by a closed-form analytical solution of a circular tunnel....
Adapted Actions Taken at Too Low Shotcrete Quality
A tunnel contract specified quality parameters such as: thickness, compressive strength, adhesive strength, bending tensile strength and residual bending tensile strength for fibre reinforced...
Shotcrete for Underground Support V
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference held in Uppsala, Sweden on June 3-7, 1990. They are divided into sections concerned with the design...
Plastic Piling
Composite plastic and steel piles are gaining acceptance throughout the United States. The evolving technology has produced a unique product which solves several problems related to use...
Sensitivity Analyses for Total-System Performance Assessment
As a follow-on to Sandia's 1991 preliminary total-system performance assessment of the Yuc1ca Mountain site, this paper presents results of some sensitivity analyses that were done using...
Cask Storage Verification Test?Full Scale Test
In Japan, the cask-storage method of spent fuel will be licensed in the near future and the related R&D works (partly of the Japanese Government have been carried out mainly by...
Constraints to Effective Dissemination of Educational and Informational Materials on Radioactive Waste and Radioactive Waste Management: A Delphi Study
Because of the increased use of nuclear energy worldwide, and consequently because of increased need to store high level radioactive waste, a pressing need has surfaced to inform the citizenry...
Radionuclide Migration to the Aquifer Through the Porous Medium
Time dependent doses of radionuclides from a waste container to the aquifer through porous medium are analyzed for (1) congruently released transuranic elements such as Np-237 and (2)...
The DOE Tansportation Management Division's Motor Carrier Evaluation Program
The movement of hazardous materials and wastes over the nation's highways by commercial motor carriers presents a challenge for the purchaser of transportation services. During the next...
Investigation of Fracture-Matrix Interaction: Preliminary Experiments in a Simple System
Paramount to the modeling of unsaturated flow and transport through fractured porous media is a clear understanding of the processes controlling fracture-matrix interaction. As a first...
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