Activated Carbon as a Catalyst for Polymerization of Phenolic Compounds
Previous studies by the principal investigator showed that the increase in the adsorptive capacity of activated carbon for phenolic compounds can be attributed to polymerization (oxidative...
Using the SedBed Monitor to Measure Bed Load
An acoustic distance measuring device (SedBed Monitor) was developed to accurately measure bed surface transects in a sediment and water recirculating flume. From these transects the rate...
Vertical Sorting Within Dune Structure
Sediment transport occurs in natural stream beds at least in part as bed load. These bed forms are typically classified as ripples or dunes depending on the bed morphology and flow conditions....
Visual Investigation of Field Bed-Load Sampling
An instrument for bed load sampling was developed consisting of an underwater video camera for visual observations. This instrument is called the Delft-Nile sampler and its design, efficiency...
Effects of Simulated Ice on the Performance of Price Type-AA Current Meter Rotors
Slush ice readily adheres to the standard metal rotor of the winter Price type-AA current meter and affects the ability of the meter to measure the flow velocity accurately. Tests conducted...
The Use of Piezoelectric Film in Cavitation Research
A research program was conducted at the St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory to investigate impulse pressures caused by the collapse of transient cavitation bubbles. The impulse pressures...
Design and Operation of a System to Monitor Sediment Deposition for Protection of an Endangered Mussel
The USGS, in cooperation with the COE, has designed and installed a system to continuously monitor changes in elevation of the river bed over the mussel bed located downstream of the Olmsted...
Practical Method for Scour Prediction at Bridge Piers
A practical method is presented for prediction of local scour at bridge piers which is based on a comparison of many well known equations and supported by field data. This equation includes...
Effect of Pier Geometry on Scour in Graded Gravels
This paper summarizes the results of laboratory tests performed on clear water scour around circular and rectangular cross section bridge piers, embedded in a non-uniform coarse sediment...
Stability Analysis of Rayleigh-Benard Convection in the Presence of Side Walls
The onset of laminar axisymmetric Rayleigh-Benard convection is investigated for a low-Prandtl number liquid metal in a cylindrical container, in the presence of a vertical temperature...
Density-dependent Circulation in Desert-basin Aquifers with Isotropic Self-Similar Permeability Distributions
Closed-basin aquifers, typical of mountain chains in the western United States, present a central ephemeral lake (called `playa') where evaporation increases the local brine density creating...
Transport Process of Surface Liquid Spills
A mathematical model simulating the scenarios of surface liquid spills is presented in this paper. This model describes the advance front and recession curves of surface spills based on...
An Integrated Shell (ROSS3) for Transport Modeling, Visualization, and Data Management
A model shell (ROSS3) which does visualization, data management, and modeling transport of oil and chemical spills in inland waters all within a single integrated unit is presented. Numerous...
Monitoring Petroleum Contamination in an Aquifer
An experimental study of the behavior of petroleum in an aquifer with static and changing water depths were studied. The experimental apparatus consisted of plexiglass tanks filled with...
Comparison of Headcut Advance Testing and Soil Test Results
This paper presents the results of a study conducted in a flume to determine headcut advance rates of two base soils compacted at various compaction moistures and placement energies. The...
Influence of a Sand Layer on Headcut Advance
The presence of an erodible material layer in the soil profile has been observed to influence headcut movement in earth emergency spillways. Large-scale flume tests were conducted to examine...
Sandstone Materials Used as Riprap
A study was conducted to determine if sandstone materials could be potentially used as riprap. Nineteen rock samples (16 sandstone samples) were collected in six western states. The rock...
An Analysis of Flow Velocity Profiles, Stream Bed Roughness, and Resistance to Flow in Natural Gravel Bed Streams
The characteristics of 82 flow velocity profiles were analyzed from nine different gravel bed stream reaches. A statistical test of the linearity of flow velocity profiles indicates that...
Bed Load Roughness in Supercritical Flow
A supercritical concrete channel has been proposed for Mission Creek located in Santa Barbara County, California. The proposed channel could transport gravels and cobbles as bed load during...
Fluvial Hydraulics of Streams and Mountain Rivers with Mobile Bed
The local hydraulic conditions concerning the incipient motion of the bed material in mountain streams are considered. Results of measurements carried out by using the radioisotope tracer...
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