Partnering in Environmental Restoration: The Coastal America Model
The Coastal America Partnership was initiated in 1993 with the underlying principal that collaborative efforts would be more successful than attempting individual agency solutions. To...

Roller Compacted Concrete IV
This engineering manual Roller-Compacted Concrete from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides information and guidance on the use of roller-compacted...

Solar Stretch
Extrapolating from structural work with textile or metal membrane roofs to cover silos, assembly halls and sports stadia, Schlaich, Bergermann and Partners, a structural engineering firm...

Construction Problem Solving in a Cooperative Distributed Agent Environment
This paper outlines the research being undertaken by the authors to determine how experts develop solutions to construction problems in a cooperative distributed agent environment which...

Estimating Clay Liner and Cover Permeability Using Computational Neural Networks
The ability to provide a quick estimate of the permeability value to be expected in laboratory testing (of field samples) would help to predict potential problems in meeting the permeability...

Standards Processing 2000
Current software applications fall short of meeting user requirements for `intelligent' electronic access to building codes and standards. Hypertext is a useful tool, but it only assists...

Design of Clay Liner Permeability at Laboratory Scale Using Expert Systems
Unlike other soil properties, permeability of compacted clay is highly variable. The large number of parameters that affect permeability of compacted clay renders permeability unpredictable...

Computer Modelling of Comminuting Granular Media
Using generalized continuum mechanics, generalized damage theories for granular materials in comminution processes are proposed. The generalization is accomplished by treating the average...

Hybrid Finite Element/Discrete Element Model for Large Deformation Geotechnical Engineering Problems
New hybrid finite element/discrete element computational code was developed for large deformation geotechnical engineering problems with granular materials. The code uses the finite element...

Intelligent Construction Planning
The intelligent construction planning is a stage of automated building realization process. The building is defined in the design stage by its spaces and functional systems. The automated...

Alternative Decisions for Space-Based Scheduling in Multi-Story Projects
SCaRC (Space-Based and Resource-Based) is a prototype knowledge-based scheduling system that acknowledges work space as a scheduling constraint. The SCaRC system comprises different scheduling...

MoveCapPlan: In Integrated System for Planning and Controlling Construction Material Laydown and Handling
This paper focuses on modeling and improving flow. It presents a computer-based system for planning and controlling construction material laydown and handling. This system, named MoveCapPlan;...

Estimating Sediment Relative Density Using an Impact Core Sampler and Wave Equation-based Pile Analysis
This paper presents a case history in which soil sample drive resistance was modeled with a wave equation-based pile analysis computer program to estimate in situ sediment relative densities...

Integrated Automation Systems in Structural Engineering
This paper presents the current integrated automation systems available in the industry for structural engineering application. An integrated automation application essentially consists...

Computer Implementation of Fuzzy Reasoning in Tendering
There are a lot of risk factors need to be considered in tendering in the construction industry. Examples are a) The market conditions: the degree of competition, the prevailing and the...

SteelDEM: An Interactive Multimedia Intelligent Tutor and Teaching Aid for Structural Steel Design
SteelDEM integrates full motion video, computer graphics, animations, text, and audio to allow users to investigate different structural steel members and their behavior, limit states,...

Interactive Cost Estimating During Design
This paper describes a model, called the Automated Interactive Cost Estimating System (AICES), which gives users access to reinforced concrete cost information that is sensitive to variations...

Numerical Modeling of Initial Ground Movement in an Instrumented Superconducting Super Collider Shaft
A 5.5 m diameter shaft was sunk into a rock formation of Taylor Marl to a depth of 61 m at the Superconducting Super collider (SSC) site. Numerical modeling using finite difference analysis...

Mat Foundation Design: An Historical Perspective
Nearly a half century ago, Karl Terzaghi rationalized the analysis and design of mat foundations with the conclusion that subgrade reaction was the most important variable. Soon after...

WAK and Full-Scale Load Tests on Granular Fill
For footings on granular fill that includes cobble- and boulder-size materials, in situ tests cannot be used to estimate foundation settlement because such fill is difficult to explore...





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