Helium-Supported Hangar for a Small Solar-Powered Airship
For the IGA Expo '93 the Institute for Statics and Dynamics of Aerospace Structures, University of Stuttgart, together with Stuttgart Solar e.V. developed a solar-powered airship. For...
Wall Relief and Three Dimensional Suspension Sculpture Utilizing Tension and Membrane Structures
The aesthetic concerns and observations on sculptural forms involve tension and membrane structures. In the following discussion, the textile forms, which strongly influenced the more...
Current State of Development and Future Trends in Employment of Air-Supported Roofs in Long-Span Applications
Considered here is the low-profile, long span air-supported roof, as opposed to the high-profile 'bubble' variety, which has seen a substantially different development and expectation....
The Use of ETFE Foils in Lightweight Roof Constructions
ETFE foils are polymer film sheets which are enclosed in support frames and inflated to provide stable, insulated and transparent roof cushions for lightweight enclosures. This paper describes...
Fabric Roof Design Responds to New Technologies
A combination of newer synthetic materials and advanced structural design technologies have given contemporary tensioned fabric roofs vastly improved energy performance and far greater...
Elasto - Plastic Analysis of Cable Net Structures
This paper presents a Newton-Raphson interaction technique which takes account of plastic cable strains while iterating on the nodal equilibrium equations of cable net structures. The...
Ultimate Strength of R/C Cooling Tower Shell
Reinforced concrete(R/C) cooling towers are the largest, thin shell structures. It is important to assess the ultimate strength of R/C cooling tower shells subjected to wind load. In the...
A Quasicrystal for Denmark's Coast
The first true quasicrystal structure will have been built in the fall of 1993 at COAST (The Center for Art, Science, and Technology at the Danish Technical University). With 600 aluminum...
Some Applications of Neural Networks in Structural Engineering
After a brief discussion of neural networks and their potential engineering applications, the author's on-going research in application of neural networks in structural engineering will...
How to Optimize Light-Gage, Cold-Formed Steel Beams
The Illustrative Examples section of the AISI Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual (AISI 1989) demonstrates how to analyze a number of different cold-formed steel sections. This paper applies...
Structural Analysis for Structural Design
This paper presents a simple extension to conventional structural analysis that serves to provide additional information that is of significant use to the structural design process. Specifically,...
Computer-Aided Structural Engineering Software: The Status of Concurrent Engineering
Concurrent engineering encompasses computer-aided engineering (CAE), multidisciplinary CAE (MCAE), computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), computer...
Assessing Effects for Disposal Sites off San Francisco
A simple particle tracking model has been used to estimate the size of deposition footprints and transient turbidity effects in the water column resulting from disposal of dredged material...
A New LAX-WENDROFF Algorithm to Solve the Bed Continuity Equation With Slope Effect
The numerical simulation of mobile bed evolutions of seas, estuaries and rivers requires a morphological model, including the effects of waves, currents and sediment transport, as well...
Nowcast System Development for the Straits of Florida
As part of the inaugural program for the Ocean Pollution Research Center at the University of Miami, a nowcast system is being developed for the Straits of Florida. The nowcast system...
The Use of Crumb Rubber Modifier in Hot-Mix Asphalt
This paper summarizes the literature on the use of CRM as an additive in HMA. Wet and dry processes are discussed and the objective of each explained. Material, design and construction...
Modified Asphalt Binders - How Do They Compare?
This report summarizes some of the research that the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has conducted on asphalt modification of airport/airfield pavements. these laboratory...
Effects of Lateral Heading Flow Steadiness on Lateral Spillage
Hourly inflow and spillage rates from three lateral canals in the Imperial Irrigation District in Southern California were measured for seven months and subsequently analyzed to identify...
Intelligent Decision Support System for Stage Discharge Analysis
A Decision Support System (DSS) for fitting stage-discharge (S-D) relations is being developed by the University of Manitoba, Facility for Intelligent Decision Support, for Environment...
Vadose-Zone Monitoring, Sanitary Treatment Plant Sludge-Drying Beds, Rocky Flats Plant, Golden, Colorado
The NPDES Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement (NPDES FFCA) of March 25, 1991 between the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pursuant...
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