Design and Field Performance of a Metal-Plate-Connected Wood Truss Bridge
This paper describes an on-going study on the design and performance attributes of an experimental wood-truss bridge. This is believed to be the first roadway bridge application of metal-plate-connected...
Long-Term Monitoring of Civil Structures using Smart Structures Techniques
A smart monitoring program for a hybrid concrete-steel building in Washington, D.C. has been developed. The building is currently being instrumented with a variety of strain and corrosion...
Anchorage of Non-Metallic Prestressing Tendons
Experimental confirmation tests were conducted to evaluate mechanical and epoxy socketed anchors for fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) prestressing tendons. The studies found that a parabolically...
Prestressed Concrete Failures Due to Uplift
The paper presents some examples of prestressed concrete DOUBLE-TEE (DT) failures caused by hurricane Andrew. The DT's failures was mainly due to the negative moment created by uplift....
Seismic Renewal of Civil Infrastructure Systems
Almost all civil infrastructure systems are vulnerable to natural hazards such as earthquakes. The paper presents a broad perspective of the research needs for seismic renewal of the infrastructure...
What Controls the Ultimate Load of a Glulam Dome?
A glulam dome is analyzed with the finite element method to determine the governing failure mode and ultimate snow loads. The dome consists of a triangulated network of curved glulam beams,...
Timber Structures
This paper deals with three different curvilinear timber structures of moderate spans - 120 feet to 200 fee +/-. In each of the three cases cited, the roof deck and boundary members are...
Structural Failure and Quality Assurance of Space Frames
Space frame has been developed rapidly in China and used to wide extent to cover various types of buildings. The large scale of application will unavoidably cause quality problems. Damages...
On some Problems of the Multicriteria Optimization of the Spatial Grid Structures
One can not think contemporary structure designed without consciously complying with optimization methods. Creative activity of engineers have to be optimal or semi-optimal. It is necessary...
Field Measurements of Tensile Forces on a Spherical Dome Sector Caused by Internal Load of a Granular Product in Storage
Using a number of existing equations developed application to silos, bins, and hoppers, the horizontal load resulting from the stored product can be calculated. In this paper, the physical...
AWS versus AIJ Tubular K-Connection Design Rules
Among various existing design rules for circular tubular connections, the AWS rules are compared with the AIJ rules because of differences between the two. Subjects of discussion include...
The Behaviour and Design of Stressed-Arch (Strarch) Frames
The paper presents an overview of the stressed-arch structural system and the associated research program undertaken at the University of Sydney between 1988 and 1992. The objectives of...
Spherical Domes Subjected to Horizontal Earthquakes
The purpose of this paper is to get a powerful tool for response analysis of a spherical dome subjected to dynamic excitation based on mathematical analytic method, i.e., the Galerkin...
Damage Prediction in Reinforced Concrete Structures under Cyclic Loading
Assessment of the stiffness, resistance and damage behaviour of reinforced concrete members under high cyclic loading due to earthquake actions must consider material nonlinear effects...
Continuous Pulse Control of Structures with Material Nonlinearity
A control method is presented for reducing the dynamic response of structures in the inelastic material range using a control force from an active control system. The proposed method of...
Imperfections and Thin-Walled Bars Behaviour
Experimental and theoretical observations allowed us to present some new conclusions concerning the proper, and safe designing of the structures composed of thin-walled bars (TWB). These...
Research of Strength and Deformations with Long-time Loading and the Use of Glassfiber Reinforced Concrete in Shells
Presented is an experimental research on the properties of behavior on compression and tension of glassfiber reinforced concrete of alkali-resistant glass fiber under long-time load and...
Large Deformation Analysis of Lattice Truss Structures Including Hysteretic Material Behavior
A methodology is presented to analyze lattice truss structures including both material and geometric nonlinearities. Modeled member material behavior modes include: buckling, yielding,...
Ultimate Loading Capacity of Braced Domes
The stability behaviors of a practical latticed dome with 40 metres span are studied in this paper. The geometric and material nonlinear behaviors, as well as the effects of the initial...
Membrane Structures: Technological Innovation and Architectural Opportunity
Presented is a list of materials used in building an airhouse. There are so many other moves in tensile structures and the present interest is in ETFE foils because of light transmission/cost...
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