More Than a Public Hearing
Too often, required community input is reduced to the sometimes dreaded public hearing. Many formal public-involvement programs are comprised of no more than this minimal, yet essential,...

U.S. Landmarks: Handle With Care
Landmarks are treated with kid gloves during restoration, but striking a balance between costs and aesthetics is difficult. In addition to structural integrity, original construction methods...

Serviceability and Durability of Construction Materials
The proceedings of the Materials Engineering Congress held in Denver, Colorado from August 13-15, 1990 include papers from 37 sessions that address the theme Serviceability and Durability...

The New Geotech: Geoenvironmental Engineering
Technical, societal and business forces will continue to dictate the course of professional practice throughout the 1990s. The author's firm, begun in 1965 to practice soil...

A Possible Paradigm
`We work only on a lump sum basis, with work guaranteed on time, and no extras. We help you define the scope of work, using our experience and unmatched computerized databases, then guarantee...

Fatigue Evaluation of a Riveted Railroad Bridge
An 83 year old railroad bridge was analyzed for fatigue based on historical records such as the original schedules. Based on the number of cycles to date, corresponding to an effective...

Service Life of Underground Concrete Structures
The service life of underground concrete depends on both the physicochemical properties of the concrete materials and the properties of the in-service environment. The major factors controlling...

Predicted Fatigue Life Behavior of Stay Cables
Monte Carlo simulation results are used to illustrate the relationship between the fatigue lives of short prestressing strand test specimens and long strand stay cables. Long stay cables...

A Summary and Review of Fatigue Data for Mechanical and Welded Splices in Reinforcing Bars
Published reports pertaining to fatigue tests of welded and mechanical splices in reinforcing bars were reviewed. It was observed that most specimens fractured in the reinforcing bar adjacent...

Inspection Strategies for Offshore Structures
The fatigue limit state is the governing limit state for the structural dimensions in several parts of offshore structures. Prediction of the fatigue life of tubular joints and other welded...

Effect of High Frequency Response on Fatigue of Offshore Structures
Welded steel specimens have been tested under several loading spectra to determine the effect on fatigue life of high frequency components in the psd of the stress or strain in the joint....

Fatigue Life Evaluation of Welded Structural Details in Steel Highway Bridge
Stresses in highway bridge members, fatigue crack propagation behavior and long life fatigue strength properties of welded members under traffic loadings and prediction of fatigue life...

The Saga of Senate Bill 2067
With the advent of the California Superfund program, liability related to toxic waste cleanup became a critical issue in California. The state had no authority to indemnify consultants...

Detection of Seismic Structural Damage
Damage analysis models based on equivalent modal parameters are used to identify the serviceability limit state for structures subjected to earthquake loads. A model for the analysis of...

Owner and Designer Advantages Derived from Use of Construction Consultant
There are two significant ways that an experienced construction consultant can assist both the owner and the designer/engineer in obtaining an economical and practical structure. Constructibility...

Impact of Litigation on Foundation Engineering in the United States
This paper presents a consulting engineer's perspective on the impact of litigation on foundation engineering practice in the United States. It consists primarily of the review...

Seismic Engineering
Research and Practice
This volume of Seismic Engineering: Research and Practice contains papers from twenty-two sessions of the 1989 ASCE Structures Congress. These papers represent a wide-ranging interest...

CIM Education Through Industry/University Collaboration
This paper outlines the strategy of university/industry collaboration adopted by the University of Missouri-Rolla in successfully developing its Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)...

Control of Water Distribution Systems: Program Descriptions
The paper describes the operation and features of a suite of computer applications programs. These have been developed within the Leicester Polytechnic Water Control Unit for analysis,...

Big Trouble in Little America
Traditionally, rural communities in the U.S. have relied on septic systems to treat their wastewater. Many of the nation's 23 million septic systems, however, are failing....





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