IRRICAD ? Computerized Irrigation Design
IRRICAD is a software program that helps irrigation designers by using a computerized systems approach to design. The program features drawing CAD input, interpolation of elevation data,...

FLUME 3.0: A Computer Program for Designing Flumes and Weirs
Long-throated flumes and broad-crested weirs are becoming the preferred measuring devices for use in irrigation canals. A computer program for calibrating these flumes and weirs has been...

BASIN 2.0 for the Design of Level-Basin Irrigation Systems
The purpose of this paper is to present a computer program for the hydraulic design of level-basin irrigation systems. The first of three design modes provides design based on the advance...

CPIVOT v 2.0 Center Pivot Analysis and Design Software
A micro-computer based software package is presented which can be used for hydraulic design and/or analysis of center pivot irrigation systems. The software is written in C and requires...

Flow Simulation for Surface Irrigation Design
Experience shows that even the most sophisticated and accurate computer models of the surface-irrigation process will not be widely used by design agencies unless they manifest a certain...

The Influence of Slope and Surface Roughness on Trapezoidal Free Overfall Characteristics
The brink depth-discharge relationship for trapezoidal free overfalls was investigated including the effects of slope and roughness. The theoretical relationship is based on the momentum...

Hydraulic Desiltation for Noncohesive Sediment
Sedimentation reduces the useful life of a reservoir. The physical processes of flushing sediment are not well-understood. Flushing processes can be classified into two categories: local...

Flow Patterns in Constructed Wetlands
Wetland water flow is sensitive to evapotranspiration and rainfall, and to the internal configuration of substrates and biota. All wetlands are subject to significant dead zones and bypassing....

Research Needs in Hydraulic Engineering
The information presented herein has barely dented the surface of the needs for hydraulic research, and of the methods required to obtain funding for that research. The responses and reports...

Designing Self-Cleaning Wet Wells for Wastewater Pumping
Guidelines for the design of self-cleaning wet wells for variable speed pumps are given. The progress of research on the design of wet wells for constant speed pumps, including submersible...

Disaster Reduction in Dam and Reservoir Design
Disaster reduction for small- and medium-sized reservoir projects is considered for two specific types of dam failure: 1) during extremely high floods, and 2) when severe reservoir silting...

Hydraulic Performance of Culvert End Sections Designed for Collision Safety
A type of end section for pipe culverts that was designed for collision safety has some favorable hydraulic characteristics. These safety end sections are long and narrow with large steel...

Equations to Predict Critical Submergence at Horizontal Hydraulic Intakes
The formation of free surface vortices at hydraulic intakes can disrupt operation and damage machinery. It is also a serious safety concern. Theoretical investigations and laboratory tests...

Hydraulic Analysis of the McCook Outlet Manifold
A 1:40-scale model of the proposed McCook Outlet Manifold was tested at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). Subsequently, flow conditions in the manifold were calculated...

Total Sediment Loads of Tropical Rivers
Unmeasured and total sediment discharges were computed for 107 sets of data from the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers and their major tributaries. Unmeasured loads were generally small except...

Development of the Lake Okeechobee Watershed Phosphorus Transport Model
The Lake Okeechobee watershed phosphorus model was developed to route flows and phosphorus loadings associated with point and nonpoint sources through a watershed transport system, and...

Development of San Gorgonio Pass Groundwater Flow Model I. Model Calibration
A groundwater flow model is being developed for use in management of a planned groundwater storage and recovery program for the Beaumont Storage Unit of the San Gorgonio Pass groundwater...

New Austrian Dam Side-Channel Spillway
The Loma Prieta earthquake of 17 October 1989 damaged the chute spillway at the Austrian Dam near San Jose, California. The replacement spillway, with a higher design discharge of 11,500...

Bartlett Dam Fuseplug Auxiliary Spillway
Bartlett Dam is located approximately 77 km northeast of Phoenix, Arizona on the Verde River. The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has determined that the structure is not capable of...

Updating Chapter II?Sediment Transportation Mechanics
Chapter II, the most comprehensive chapter of the Sedimentation Engineering Manual, has aged. The manual prepared by the Task Committee for the Manual on Sedimentation was published by...





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