A Wave-Energy Dissipation Structure for Shore Protection and Beach Generation, Recovery, and Stabilization
WAVEBLOCK a steel reinforced concrete modularized structure designed to dissipate the energy of saline and freshwater waves is described. The modularized structure, which weighs upwards...

The Magdalen Islands, Gulf of Saint Lawrence
The Magdalen Islands constitute the largest barrier-island system in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. They represent 435 km of coasts at the 1:50 000 scale, two-thirds of which are sandy and...

Evolution of the Santee/Pee Dee Delta Complex, South Carolina, USA
The Santee/Pee Dee delta is located on the north-central portion of the lower coastal plain physiographic province of south carolina, USA, which is underlain by pleistocene strand plain...

Study on Littoral Protection by Sand-Filled Tube
This study focuses on a new, excellent construction method which excels in both the environmental and scenic aspects. It enables the construction of coastal structures such as jetty, detached...

The Planning and Design of Multipurpose Artificial Barrier Reefs
Multipurpose artificial barrier reef is proposed for the enhancement of fisheries as part of the purpose of entire system of structures in Japan. As part of our planning efforts we are...

Development of the Double Cylinder Caisson Breakwater
A double cylinder caisson breakwater was recently developed to create a calm sea area in deep and high wave open sea areas. In order to confirm some subjects on design method and construction...

Infiltration in Two Sand Dune Areas in Saudi Arabia
Field infiltration experiments at several locations in two sand dune areas in Saudi Arabia were conducted. Results of these field tests are compared with predictions of the Green and Ampt...

Distribution of Flood Volumes Beyond Design Discharges
Quantitative prediction of flood volumes beyond design discharges is important for hydrologic design of river constructions, such as bridges and culverts, because these are the volumes...

Design Hydrographs in Coastal Wetland Watersheds
The use of synthetic unit-hydrographs for hydraulic design in ungaged watersheds has been an accepted practice for over 50 years. In southeastern U.S. coastal regions, which contain extremely...

Modeling Wetland Hydrologic and Hydraulic Processes
Water availability and the processes by which it moves are critical to a wetland's success, where success is measured in terms of the quantity and quality of functions provided by the...

Lessons from Hurricane Andrew's Effects on Hydraulic Structures
Documentation and description of Andrew's effects on open channels and other hydraulic structures in South Dade County, Florida, are presented, based on observations made during field...

Linking Hydrologic and Hydraulic Routing Models in Low Relief Basins of South Florida
Combined use of hydrologic and hydraulic routing models to analyze the rainfall-runoff processes during a storm event is a common practice. In this approach, a hydrologic model is employed...

A Computer System to Operate Coastal Structures
The Central and Southern Florida Flood Control Project (C&SF) was designed and built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is operated and maintained by the South Florida Water...

Hydraulic Modeling of Alluvial Plains (Slopes) and Alluvial Fans Using DAMBRK
The design of hydraulic structures such as bridges on distributary flow areas and alluvial fans require methods that can adequately determine discharges at the structures. Flow conditions...

Alluvial Fan: Subset Definitions
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Arizona recently completed a study whose goal was to identify and describe four alluvial fans for instrumentation and long-term monitoring....

PMF Estimation for a Sparsely Gaged Watershed
This paper describes a procedure used to determine the design-basis and probable maximum flood (DBF and PMF) for Jiguey Dam located in the Dominican Republic. This dam is situated upstream...

A Probabilistic Approach to Estimate Design Parameters for Flood Control Projects
The purpose of this paper is to provide engineering consultants with an improved method to estimate design parameters for various return periods in rural areas. The proposed method combines...

Numerical Estimation of Macrodispersivities in Heterogeneous Self-similar Aquifers
Numerical simulations of contaminant transport in a stratified aquifer characterized by a self-similar distribution of hydraulic conductivity were performed. Macrodispersivities were calculated...

Additional Years of Record and Peak Discharge
The effect of additional years of stream gaging records is analyzed for stream gages in Nebraska. Frequency estimates are based on procedures outlined in Bulletin 17B, including skew coefficient...

Estimating Floodplain Limits for Complicated Hydrologic and Hydraulic Conditions
A new approach for estimating floodplain limits is shown. A hydraulic model with flood routing capabilities is coupled with a hydrologic model to compute river stages. Simulations are...





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