How to Create and Present Effective Slides
Speakers often devote hours of preparation to the main body of a prepared text, but fail to allow ample preparation time to creating their visual aids. Slides, visual aids which should...

World's First All-Rollcrete Dam
Willow Creek Dam in Oregon will be the world's first concrete gravity dam designed specifically for and exclusively by roller compaction methods. The average in-place cost...

Olmos Dam Modifications
(1981 OCEA Nominee.) The 55-year-old Olmos Dam, five and one-half miles northeast of San Antonio, Texas, required major modifications to avoid...

The Concrete Canoe: A Technological Challenge
In 1970 the first concrete canoe was built, and since that time many colleges and universities have built and raced concrete canoes. The Union College (Schenectady, NY) Stone Boat Club...

Venezuelan Dock Features Unconventional Design, Quick Set-Up
This structure, designed by Caracas design/construct firm Precomprimido, kills two birds with one stone: a series of huge, hollow concrete cylinders both support the service deck of the...

Gabions: Economical, Environmentally Compatible Erosion Control
Not well known in this country, gabions have been in use for about 75 years in Europe. Gabions are wire baskets, filled with rock and wired together to form an erosion control or bank...

Field Control Replaces Design Conservation At World's Largest Underground Powerhouse
The excavation of 16,000,000 yd� of rock at LG-2, part of the La Grande hydropower project in Canada, has been completed. The world's largest underground powerhouse, with...

Major Cause of Earthquake Damage is Ground Failure
Ground failure is one of the most destructive effects of large earthquakes. For example, about 60% of the damage during the 1964 Alaska earthquake was a consequence of ground failure....

Isn't a Subway for Washington, D.C., Just the Thing�
After 100 years of dreaming and 10 years of design and construction, more than 22 miles and 28 stations of the Washington, D.C., Metro are now in revenue operation. When completed in 1983,...

Small Midwestern Consultant Introduces Inhouse Desk Top Computer
This article traces the history of engineering and surveying calculations in a small civil-geotechnical consulting office in Rock Island, Ill., W.J. Reese & Associates. The expanding...

Mechanization Speeds Limestone Production
The Dravo Lime Company's limestone mine and processing facility was nominated for an Outstanding Civil Engineering Award because it is a well-planned and executed construction...

Energy Facilities Going Underground
Environmental pressures, combined with continuing development of hard-rock excavation techniques, have turned attention to the placement of major engineering facilities underground. Primary...

Kamburu Dam: Diversion Conduit Designed into Spillway Saves $1,000,000
Careful coordination of dam construction operation with river stages over several seasons, and a construction sequence that called for building the spillway, in effect, from the top down,...

Channel Siltation Determined with Side-Scan Radar
Of the new electronic means to measure water depth, side-scan sonar is unusual in that it gives not just a cross-section of the bottom but a semi-3-D picture of the bottom surface. Experienced...

Teton Dam Failure
In June 1976, Teton Dam in Idaho failed. It was an earthfill dam 305 ft high. It failed by piping through the impermeable core of the dam. Among factors believed contributing to failure:...

The Story of Cement, Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
When the dawn of history, man has sought for materials to cement stone and brick together. When rebuilding the Eddystone lighthouse in 1756, John Smeaton recognized ordinary lime morter...

Rock Engineering for Foundations & Slopes
Proceedings of a specialty conference on Rock Engineering for Foundations and Slopes, held in University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August 15-18, 1976. Sponsored by the Geotechnical...

Concrete Replaces Steel in Offshore Coal-Loading Terminal
An open water coal-loading terminal off the east coast of Australia berths 100,000 dwt coal ships. The concrete caissons for the berth were constructed within a drydock and later a breakwater,...

Improving Your Writing�� Part II
Whereas Part I on Improving your writing (Jan., '75) talked about how to find something to say, this article (Part II) focuses on how to say it clearly, simply, forcefully....

Interstate Squeezes through River Gorge
The Virgin River Gorge in northern Arizona, a designated wilderness area, now contains one of the most beautiful and spectacular segments of our Interstate Highway System. Interstate 15,...





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