Rockfill Compression Tests and Other Aspects of the Design of Miel I Dam
The Miel I Dam, a high concrete face rockfill dam, is one of the main structures designed for the Miel I Hydroelectric Project in Colombia. Selection of dam type was based on technical...
Segredo Dam: Basic Design Aspects
Segredo dam, located immediately downstream of Foz do Areia in the Iguacu river, Parana, Brazil, is the next concrete face rockfill dam to be built by 'Companhia Paranaense...
Machadinho Dam in Brazil
This paper presents the reasons for selection of a concrete-face rockfill dam for Machadinho Hydroelectric Project in Brazil. It also describes the main characteristics of the dam, as...
The Design of Macagua Concrete Face Rockfill Dam
This article describes the design characteristics of the concrete face rockfill dam at Macagua, which will have a total length of about 9,200 ft (2,800 m), an average height of 66 ft (20,0...
The Upstream Zone in Concrete-Face Rockfill Dams
The upstream zone of small rock, the supporting zone for the slab at many recent concrete-face rockfill dams has contained less than 20% of particles smaller than the No. 4 sieve. Such...
Design of Cirata Concrete Face Rockfill Dam
The Cirata Hydro-Electric Project on the Citarum River in Western Java, Indonesia is at present under construction for Perusahaan Umum Listrik Negara (PLN). The project which is being...
Concrete Face Rockfill Dams?Design, Construction, and Performance
Concrete face rockfill dams are being used with greater frequency and to greater heights in the last decade. The developments leading to this progress are many and are addressed in the...
Predicting Sinkhole Collapse
Sinkholes erupt when a cavern or opening in the limestone rock below opens up to the surface. Florida's sinkholes have received most U.S. attention recently, but sinkhole geology is found...
If They Don't Believe You, You Need a ROCK
People misunderstand engineers because they often overlook two important factors in communication. They forget who has the power to make the decisions. They eliminate all emotional content...
State of the Art: Rock Tunneling
In the past twenty years, improvements have been made in the quality of geotechnical information on tunnel projects. Even with good exploratory information, it remains difficult to predict...
Retaining Wall
The foundation of this off-ramp in Manchester, New Hampshire is made up of end-bearing piles and sloping rock anchors�an innovation that is unique to the United States. End bearing piles...
Hydro Power
The Kerckhoff 2 Hydroelectric Power Projects adds 140 MW to the capacity of the San Francisco area's Pacific Gas & Electric system. No new dam was needed; only a 4-mile...
Engineer-Constructor Experience with Computer Aided Design and Engineering
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation has used CAD/CAE equipment since 1974 and has developed organizations and procedures for integrating the technology into the design process....
Current Issues in Rock Dredging
An attractive alternative to the use of explosives for deepening shipping channels is the improvement of the rock cutter suction dredger. But, assessing the capability and design parameters...
Local Scour at Fish Rocks
There is a growing interest in the enhancement of rearing habitat for juvenile anadromous fish in the Pacific Northwest. This has focused attention on the need for a better understanding...
Alternative Layouts for Hydro Headrace Tunnels
The recent development of tunnel boring machines capable of excavating hard rock at virtually any grade together with the Norwegian experience in compressed air surge tanks provides the...
Planning a Resource-Compatible Low Head Waterpower Development
Responsible development of waterpower potential is a significant aspect of comprehensive water resource planning. Recent interest in small scale hydro projects has generated concern among...
In 1986, when its six turbine/pump-generator/motor units will be in operation, the Bath County Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project in Virginia will be the world's largest....
A Standard for the Measurement of Oxygen Transfer in Clean Water
This standard was developed to measure the rate of oxygen transfer from diffused gas and mechanical oxygenation devices to water. The standard is applicable to laboratory scale oxygenation...
Peachtree Center Station is the only mined transit station in the U.S. using reinforced native rock for permanent support. The station, serving some 34,000 patrons a day, is the largest...
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