Nagra Performance Assessment of Radioactive Waste Disposal in Crystalline and Sedimentaly Host Rocks
Nagra has evaluated disposal of vitrified HLW in both the crystalline basement of Northern Switzerland and in overlying argillaceous sedimentary formations. Although indicating that both...
Mass-Transfer Analysis of Waste Packages Containing Defense Waste Processing Facility Glass as a Waste Form
The fractional release rates of selected radionuclides from waste packages containing Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) glass are calculated using the AREST code, assuming a continuous-diffusive...
Thermal Stability of Zeolitic Tuff from Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Thermal models of the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, suggest that rocks near the potential host rock will experience elevated temperatures for at least 1000 yr. In order...
Drill-Back Studies Examine Fractured, Heated Rock
To investigate the effects of heating on the mineralogical, geochemical, and mechanical properties of rock by high-level radioactive waste, cores are being examined from holes penetrating...
Optimization Method for Dimensioning a Geological HLW Waste Repository
This method was developed by the CEA to optimize the dimensions of a geological repository by taking account of technical and economic parameters. It involves optimizing radioactive waste...
An Investigation of the Mechanical and Hydrologic Behavior of Tuff Fractures Under Saturated Conditions
The mechanical and hydrologic behavior of natural-fractures in a partially welded tuff rock were investigated. Tuff cores, each containing part of the same natural fracture oriented subparallel...
Concepts in Prototype Testing for In Situ Geomechanical Investigations at Yucca Mountain
Geomechanical investigations comprise a significant portion of the site characterization program to be conducted at Yucca Mountain, the site of a proposed repository for nuclear waste....
Prototype Heater Test of the Environment Around a Simulated Waste Package
This paper presents selected results obtained during the 301 day duration of the Prototype Engineered Barrier System Field Test (PEBSFT) performed in G-Tunnel within the Nevada Test Site....
Application of Geophysical Methods for Fracture Characterization
One of the most crucial needs in the design and implementation of an underground waste isolation facility is a reliable method for the detection and characterization of fractures in zones...
Origin of Carbonate Deposits in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Preliminary Results of Strontium-Isotope Analyses
As part of the paleohydrology study of the Yucca Mountain Project, strontium-isotope analyses of carbonate deposits, ground water, and major rock reservoirs of strontium are in progress....
Applications of Fracture-Flow Modeling to Site Characterization
This paper describes practical applications of discrete-fracture approaches for design and analysis of groundwater flow about high-level radioactive waste repositories. The paper presents...
Creede, Colorado?Channel Rehabilitation
The existing grouted stone channel in Creede, Colorado, is approaching the end of its useful life. The channel is subjected to repeated freeze-thaw cycles causing spalling of the grout...
High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1990
The proceedings of the first annual Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, held on April 8-12, 1990, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the current technical issues...
A Branched Mass Transport Model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
A new branched mass (salt) transport model is used to simulate salt transport in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. The model uses a two-step procedure to determine the salt...
The Influence of Uniformity on Riprap Stability
Studies have shown that size uniformity influences the stability of riprap. The ratio of fractional sizes of the riprap mixture, D60/D10,...
Closing The Floodgates
The White Rock Creek basin in Dallas and Collin Counties, is one of Texas' most crucial resources. While large tracts of undeveloped land in Collin County remain under agricultural or...
Overview: Steam-Water Phase Change in OTEC Systems
This paper presents an overview of the thermodynamics and the heat and mass transfer processes occurring in OTEC systems utilizing seawater as the working fluid....
Large Stone Hot Mix Asphalt: State of the Art
Improved mix characteristics can be achieved by utilizing existing well-known technologies. Developments have included: more attention to voids in mineral aggregate criteria; adjusting...
Large Stone Mixes Make a Comeback
Large stone hot mix asphalt common at the turn of the century, is making a comeback in popularity in hot mix asphalt design. Large stone hot asphalt mixtures are being used as a way to...
Comparative Evaluation of 4-Inch and 6-Inch Diameter Specimens for Testing Large Stone Asphalt Mixes
Modified Marshall equipment and Gyratory Testing Machine (GTM) are now available for compacting and testing 6-inch diameter specimens to accommodate aggregate up to 2-inch maximum size....
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