Effect of Grade Control Structures on DEC Streams
Controlling the grade of a channel with structures has been an effective means applied to streams. Although, the effectiveness of grade control structures is not readily apparent until...

Siting of Grade Control Structures
In siting a grade control structure in a stream, hydraulic considerations must be integrated with other important siting factors. A review of several of the important siting factors is...

White River Fish Screen Project?Hydraulic Modeling
In 1983, Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Puget Power) proposed in a license application to FERC for the overall White River Project replacement of the existing fish screens constructed...

Hydraulic Performance of Open Channel Breaching
Flood flow in natural channels with floodplains is often confined in the main channel by the presence of levees. The hydraulic performance of these kinds of channels can be seriously affected...

SpatioTemporal Stochastic Open-Dhannel Flow
The de Saint Venant equations are solved as stochastic partial differential equations whose parameters (hydraulic resistance, bed slope, cross-section geometiy, inflow hydrograph, seepage,...

Analysis of Bank Stabilization in Steep Complex Streams Using A Two-Dimensional Model
In cases where the channel is fairly uniform, and not divided, one-dimensional hydraulic models, such as HEC-2, generally give adequate results for scour evaluations and bank protection...

Santa Clara River Fluvial Analysis
The Santa Clara River watershed, located in Los Angeles County, has been subject to rapid increases in population and urban development, resulting in channelization, new bridges, and increased...

Genetic Algorithm Design of Piped Irrigation Systems
The design of piped irrigation systems is a complex matter. In its simplest form it involves the selection of the sizes of pipes and other hydraulic elements so as to ensure that the varying...

Effects of Approach Flow Conditions on Pump Sump Design
An important obstacle to the development of a generalized sump design is the variability of flow conditions in approach areas. The geometry and alignment of the areas immediately upstream...

Agroforestry as a Method of Salt and Selenium Management on Irrigated Land in the San Joaquin Valley
Since 1985, several San Joaquin Valley growers, with the support of State and federal agencies, have attempted to manage salt and selenium using agroforestry. Numerous studies and research...

Water Quality Improvement Program in Ventura County at Port Hueneme
Integrated resource planning (IRP) has been used successfully by several larger water utilities to resolve complex water supply issues. This paper describes the experience of a smaller...

The Scour at Bridges Management Program in Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) has developed and implemented a comprehensive two-phase scour susceptibility program for screening and assessment of scour at bridges....

Training for Bridge Inspectors in Stream Stability and Scour
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is now requiring a comprehensive evaluation of bridge scour as part of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). FHWA has established January...

Hydraulic Studies for a Large Wetland
Coastal wetlands are highly biologically productive and provide spawning and feeding habitats for many aquatic organisms. As has happened to freshwater wetlands, about half of the tidal...

Habitat Preservation and Enhancement Associated with San Diego Creek Flood Control Channel Improvement
San Diego Creek, an important regional flood control channel in southern Orange County, California, flows 2.4 kilometers through the mixed-use areas of Irvine Center (San Diego Freeway...

Santa Ana River Salt Marsh Restoration: Orange County, California, U.S.A.
As part of the All-River Plan of the Santa Aria River, the 92 acre Santa Ana River Marsh (Marsh) was constructed at the Pacific Ocean outlet in Orange County, California. This project...

Treatment of Wet Weather Discharges in Columbus, Georgia
The City of Columbus, Georgia and the Columbus Water Works (CWW) instigated a combined sewer overflow (CS 0) control program to protect the Chattahoochee River against adverse impacts...

Drought Experiences of Ohio and Their Applications in the DAR-JAI River Basin of Taiwan
The shortage of water due to droughts could cause tremendous environmental and economical impacts to the affected area such as the unsuitability for aquatic life and the inadequacy for...

Dynamic vs. Quasi-Static Effluent Limits
Selenium water quality objectives are currently being exceeded in the San Joaquin River, California due to agricultural subsurface drainage discharges. The Federal Clean Water Act requires...

Sources and Circulation of Salt in the San Joaquin River Basin
Historical data and a water quality model were used to quantify the sources of salt, boron and selenium in the lower San Joaquin River (SJR) basin, California. Mean monthly data for sources...





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