Gradation and Layer Thickness Effects on Riprap
Since riprap has become a costly and in some areas, scarce commodity, proper design maximizing the level of protection with a minimum rock size and layer thickness is an important goal....

Asphalt Revetments for Slope Protection in the Arctic
Experience in the Netherlands demonstrates that slope protection of coastal embankments subjected to heavy wave action can be accomplished with lining systems made of mixtures of asphalt...

Low-Cost Stacked Block Revetments for Great Lakes Shores
Two stacked-block revetments, the product of emergency conditions and budget limitations, were constructed at Illinois Beach State Park on Lake Michigan in April 1982. The revetments,...

Passive-Intake System for a Shallow Sand-Bed River
The Jeffrey Energy Center draws its cooling water make-up from the Kansas River near Belvue, Kansas. At this site, the Kansas River is a shallow sand-bed river of constantly changing bottom...

Combined Vegetative-Structural Slope Stabilization
Vegetation in partnership with structural measures provides an attractive and cost effective method of stabilizing slopes and combating erosion. An effective approach is to use contour...





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