Restoration Planning for Natural Resource Damage Assessment Cases
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended, provides natural resource trustees authority for recovering compensatory damages...

Saving What's Left of Tourism Development at Patong Beach, Phuket, Thailand
The tourism industry in Phuket, southern Thailand has grown without direction or control since everyone, local or foreign, wants a bit of the pie. Patong, the most popular beach on the...

NOAA'S Monitoring of Ocean Dumping at the 106-Mile Dumpsite
The Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988 amends the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 to provide for cessation, by December 31, 1991, of all U.S. ocean dumping of industrial...

Halifax Harbour Clean Up?A Research Perspective
The status of scientific research pertaining to the marine environmental aspects of the discharge of sewage effluent into Halifax Harbour, Canada is reviewed. The background to the local...

Cleaning North America's Beaches?Volunteers Across America Monitor the Quality of Our Coasts
The Center for Marine Conservation (CMC) has established a National Marine Debris Database to involve citizens in the collection of standardized information on marine debris. A comparison...

Chemical Treating Agents for Oil Spill Response?Recent Research Results
Laboratory effectiveness tests have been developed for four classes of spill-treating agents; solidifiers, demulsifying agents, surface-washing agents and dispersants. Currently-available...

The 301(h) Waiver & the Clean Water Act in Southern California
Throughout the late 1970's and 1980's Los Angeles City and county governments fought the Clean Water Act from being implemented. An amendment to the Clean Water...

Demonstration of Pesticide Best Management Practices for Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Monterey Bay Watershed
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a grant to the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments for the purpose of conducting a two year demonstration project addressing...

Controlling Nitrogen Loading to Coastal Waters
Of the countless contaminants that reach coastal waters, nitrogen is one of the most problematic and least regulated. There is ample evidence that many coastal embayments are overwhelmed...

Risks of Transporting Petroleum and Other Materials from Offshore Oil and Gas Development
Oil and gas development offshore Santa Barbara County has lead to the preparation and adoption of local policies and mitigation programs specifically addressing the risks associated with...

Design Guidance for Nearshore Berm Construction
Construction of nearshore berms has been gaining acceptance as a cost effective beneficial use of dredged material. This paper presents a systematic methodology for design and evaluation...

A Systematic Analysis of Disposal Site Stability
This paper describes a systematic methodology for predicting the stability of dredged material disposal sites over long periods of time, ranging from months to years. The approach is based...

Analysis of Transport Processes on Ocean Disposal Mound
Disposal site 'F', an ocean disposal site for dredged sediments from Coos Bay, Oregon was designed to be a dispersive site. The site has not demonstrated high...

The Challenge of Meeting New Effluent Guidelines
Meeting new effluent guidelines is presenting a challenge to the environmental engineer. In most cases, existing plants must be retrofitted which will involve options of source treatment,...

PITTLEACH: A Numerical Model of Landfill Stabilization
This paper addresses the theoretical development, use and application of PITTLEACH, a computer program conceived to simulate the processes of landfill stabilization. Since the physical,...

Implementation of Vertical Landfill Expansion
Montgomery County, Maryland, proposed to implement a vertical expansion or 'piggyback' design for the County's municipal solid waste landfill. The...

Optimization Study of a Leachate Treatment System
A treatability study was conducted to evaluate the need for a metal precipitation and an ammonia stripping process in a leachate treatment system and to evaluate the biological nitrification...

An Integrated Study of Air Toxics Emissions from an MSW Landfill
An integrated approach was used for a study of air toxics emissions at a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill (LF) consisting of field sampling, emission estimation, atmospheric dispersion...

Chemical Composition, Physical Properties and Off-Site Migration of Municipal Landfill Gas
A sampling program of headspace gas from four monitoring wells and of off-site migration at three property line sites was conducted as part of a remedial design of a municipal landfill....

Integrated Waste Management at the Weldon Spring, Missouri Site Remedial Action Project
The diversity of contaminants and contaminated media at the Weldon Spring, Missouri CERCLA site, located about 30 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri, necessitates the formulation of integrated...





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