Management and Research of Desert Tortoises for the Yucca Mountain Project
A program has been developed for the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) to manage and study the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizi), a threatened species that occurs at low densities at Yucca...

Assessing Impacts on Biological Resources from Site Characterization Activities of the Yucca Mountain Project
An integrated impact assessment program was developed to monitor the possible effects of Site Characterization Activities (SCA) on the biological resources of the Yucca Mountain area....

The Reclamation Program for the Yucca Mountain Project
The U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) is required by law and other regulatory requirements to reclaim disturbances created by site characterization activities at Yucca Mountain. Because...

Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of Conceptual Model Uncertainty on Site Performance
Performance assessment modeling for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal incorporates three different types of uncertainty. These include data and parameter uncertainty, modeling...

Scenario Evolution: Interaction Between Event Tree Construction and Numerical Analyses
Construction of well-posed scenarios for the range of conditions possible at any proposed repository site is a critical first step to assessing total system performance. Event tree construction...

A Formalism to Generate Probability Distributions for Performance-Assessment Modeling
A formalism is presented for generating probability distributions of parameters used in performance-assessment modeling. The formalism is used when data are either sparse or nonexistent....

Characterization Uncertainty and its Effects on Models and Performance
Geostatistical simulation is being used to develop multiple geologic models of rock properties at the proposed Yucca Mountain repository site. Because each replicate model contains the...

Site and Facility Waste Transportation Services Planning Documents
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) will eventually ship Purchasers' (10 CFR 961.3) spent nuclear fuel from approximately 122 commercial nuclear facilities....

Historical Overview of Domestic Spent Fuel Shipments?Update
The information in this paper summarizes historic data on spent fuel shipments in the United States. The data are updated periodically to keep abreast of changes. Information on shipments...

An Approach to Assessing the Impacts of Incident-Free Air and Highway Transportation of Radioactive Materials
Annual radiation doses and risks were calculated for shipments of radioactive materials both in passenger aircraft and on highways, under accident-free and incident-free conditions, i.e.,...

Transportation Capabilities of the Existing Cask Fleet
This paper describes a number of scenarios estimating the amount of spent nuclear fuel that could be transported to a Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility by various combinations...

A Preliminary Evaluation of the Ability of From-Reactor Casks to Geometrically Accommodate Commercial LWR Spent Nuclear Fuel
The Department of Energy has sponsored a number of cask design efforts to define several transportation casks to accommodate the various assemblies expected to be accepted by the Federal...

The Radiological Capacity of Transport Casks Loaded in a 2-Region Non-Uniform Pattern
The radiological capacity of spent fuel storage and transport casks can be increased by the use of non-uniform cask loading. There are many possible combinations of spent fuel burnup and...

Toward Linking Demographic and Economic Models for Impact Assessment
One of the objectives of the Yucca Mountain Project, in Southern Nevada, is to evaluate the effects of the development of a high-level nuclear waste repository. As described in the Section...

Forecasting Behavioral Response to a Repository from Stated Intent Data
To forecast repository-induced behavior from surveys of behavioral intention, we develop a model of the relation between stated intent and actual propensity. This model relies heavily...

Circuitous Routings: Integration of Public Acceptability with Technical and Economic Feasibility
Public acceptance of agency plans for shipment of radioactive wastes to disposal facilities may be critical to efforts to site geologic repositories. Local and state participation in route...

Payments-Equal-to-Taxes (PETT): An Interpretation of Sections 116(c) (3) and 118(b) (4) of The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as Amended
The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of either the U.S. Department of Energy or of Deloitte & Touche. The Payments-Equal-To-Taxes...

Some Political Logistics of Nuclear Waste
The need for a centralized, federal, interim storage facility for nuclear waste, or MRS, alledgedly has become more urgent because the date for the opening of the permanent repository...

The MD Design?A Cool Concept for Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste
The scheduled disposal capacity for spent nuclear fuel and other high-level radioactive wastes (HLW) is inadequate and the estimated supply of recoverable uranium for continued nuclear...

Emplacement Drift Temperature Reduction by Cooling Enhancement and Ventilation
The application of cooling enhancement in a short vertical container emplacement layout is analyzed. Two 25 m-long heat pipes upward oriented at 45 degrees are installed at each emplacement...





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