Pore-Water Extraction from Unsaturated Tuffs Using One-Dimensional Compression
To support the study of the unsaturated-zone hydrochemistry at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, a one-dimensional compression system was developed and tested to extract unaltered and uncontaminated...

Solving the High-Level (and Low-Level) Radioactive Waste Puzzle
Finding sites for both high-level and low-level radioactive wastes (LLRW and HLRW) has come to a virtual halt. The present system is based on a 'command-and-control'...

The Chemical Stockpile Intergovernmental Consultation Program: Lessons for High Level Waste Public Involvement
This paper assesses the appropriateness of the U.S. Army's Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program's (CSDP) Intergovernmental Consultation and Coordination Boards...

A Model for Effective Intergovernmental Planning
Effective intergovernmental planning processes are essential to the resolution of potential affects created by federal projects. In this paper, two successful planning efforts are described....

Opting for Cooperation?A Case Study in Siting a Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Facility
In 1986, the Canadian federal government called a halt to efforts by a crown corporation to site a low-level radioactive waste management facility when it became apparent that continuation...

The CVSA Pilot Study of Highway Vehicle Inspection Procedures for the Transportation of Radioactive Materials
To further the goal of enhancing the safe and efficient transportation of radioactive materials, the US Department of Energy and the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance have entered into...

Building Consensus in Developing Radioactive Waste Management Systems
To successfully develop radioactive waste management systems, national authorities must work to establish consensus on numerous complex issues among many affected and interested parties....

Source Term Model for Radioactive Waste Repository
A radioactive waste repository source term model is developed to predict radionuclide release rates from solidified waste packages disposed of in underground repository. Leach rates, i.e.,...

Near-Field Transport of Radioactive Chains
Much attention has been given to predicting the near-field mass transfer of a single radioactive species from a waste solid into surrounding porous material, but only limited consideration...

Validation of Source-Term Models Using Natural Analogues
A comparison is made between the predicted distribution of copper calculated by the AREST source-term code and the measured profiles for copper surrounding a bronze cannon that was emplaced...

Potential ?4CO2 Releases from Spent Fuel Containers at Yucca Mountain
The potential release of gaseous 14CO2 from small perforations in spent fuel containers has been evaluated...

MARNIE, a Near Field Transport Model for Radioactive Waste Repositories
The long term safety of a final repository for radioactive waste disposal has to be demonstrated. A number of scenarios can be postulated that could lead to a considerable release of radionuclides...

Preliminary Calculations of Release Rates from Spent Fuel in a Tuff Repository
Time-dependent release rates of Tc-99, I-129, Cs-135, and Np-237 have been calculated for wet-drip and moist-continuous release modes from the engineered barrier system of a potential...

Mechanical Excavator Performance in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
A research effort of four phases is in progress at the Colorado School of Mines. The overall program will evaluate the cutability of welded tuff and other lithologies likely to be excavated...

Principles of the NATM and Other Uses of the Geologic Monitoring Techniques
The NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method) differs in several respects from other construction methods. Also referred to as the 'sequential support method' or the...

The Standard Contract's Delivery Commitment Schedule Process
The Standard Contract for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste specifies various activities necessary for the eventual acceptance of spent nuclear fuel...

A Comparison of High-Level Waste Form Characteristics
The U.S. Department of Energy is responsible for the eventual disposal in a repository of spent fuels, high-level waste (HLW) and other radioactive wastes that may require long-term isolation....

Effects of Spent Fuel Aging on Repository Disposal Requirements
A study has been carried out to analyze the effects of extended spent fuel aging on spent fuel disposal requirements. The analysis considers additional spent fuel aging up to a maximum...

Evaluation of Alternative MGDS Development Strategies
A methodology has been developed to explicitly and quantitatively evaluate acceptable alternative repository development strategies, in terms of the degree to which they are likely to...

Determination of Cost Effective Waste Management System Receipt Rates
A comprehensive logistics and cost analysis has been carried out to determine if there are potential benefits to the high-level waste management system for receipt rates other than the...





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