Priority Problems of the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine Complex
The Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine Complex encompasses an area of approximately 3600 square miles within the Mississippi deltaic plain, and consists of system of water bodies and wetlands...

The Source of Sediments in the Neuse River Estuary: Water Quality Management Implications
Pedological evidence in alluvial floodplains of the fluvial-estuarine transition zone of the Neuse River, North Carolina, shows that very little sediment from the Piedmont headwaters of...

A Guide for Controlling Agricultural Nonpoint Source Sediment Loads: Where to Treat?
The authors present a simplified guide to decide where to expend money and efforts to reduce sediment loads that cause water quality problems. This guide is intended for resource managers...

Coastal Development and Cumulative Effects
This paper considers management of habitat quality in coastal zones. It highlights contradictions between modern needs and past modes of development, including industrialization, agrarian...

Rice Herbicide Evaluation in Texas Gulf Coast
The Texas rice belt, bordered on the south and east by the Gulf of Mexico, extends about 113 km (70 mile) inland and parallels the coastline for approximately 322 km (200 mile) from Victoria,...

Salinity-Colorado River Water Quality Crisis
The major concern cited is excessive salt concentrations caused by salt loading of return flows to the Colorado River. Salinity levels measured as milligrams per liter (mg/L) are monitored...

Water Quality Impacts of a Lead/Zinc Mine in Northwest Alaska
In order to assure that water quality in the Red Dog Creek/lkalukrok Creek/Wulik River watershed returned to pre-mining conditions, the order required that water quality and fish tissue...

Challenges for Coastal Resources Management in the Cheonsu Bay, The Republic of Korea
Under the development-oriented national policy on coastal zone uses, the current institutional arrangements of Korea cannot provide an integrated way. Thus the management efforts often...

The Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program
A National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank (NMMTB) has been established as part of a comprehensive effort to obtain reliable information on contaminant levels in marine mammal tissues. A four...

Quality Assurance of Contaminant Measurements in Marine Mammal Tissues
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in conjunction with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is developing a program to improve the quality...

A Coastal Ecosystem Management and Its Effects in a Subtropical Climate: The Conceicao Lagoon
The Conceicao Lagoon on Santa Catarina Island along the south coast of Brazil constitutes a natural and scenic resource of ecological, economic and scientific value. Due to natural and...

An Integrated Coastal Zone Management Program for Barbados
In November 1991, a comprehensive Coastal Conservation Feasibility Study was initiated by the Government of Barbados, with partial funding from the Inter-American Development Bank. This...

Shoreline Environmental History: Making it Visible with Public Art and Historic Interpreation?An Olympia, Washington Case Study
This paper briefly describes the efforts under-way to understand and celebrate Olympia, Washington's shoreline environmental history by tracking its influence on water quality, marine...

Assessing the Quality of Citizen Volunteer Monitoring
Total-error profiles and quality control charts are presented as quantitative techniques to determine acceptability of methodology and analyses for volunteer water quality monitoring programs....

Partnerships Strengthen Watershed Management
In reaching across political and institutional boundaries to manage nonpoint source (nps) programs, agencies are recognizing the need for strong communication, coordination and planning....

Smoke Plumes From In Situ Burning of Oil Spills
Mesoscale pool fire experiments with effective diameters up to 17.2 m were conducted to obtain data on the characteristics of burning crude oil on water. These experiments showed that...

Improvement of Nearshore Water Clarity Due to Artificial Upwelling at Power Plant Diffusers
The cooling water outfall at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, California, discharges heated water at an offshore sea-bed through multiport nozzles which are angled seaward. After...

Tidal Pumping Effects in Coastal Loop Canals
During the last half century the world's coastal zones have been rapidly developed and urbanized, especially in the industrialized world. The coastline of the State of Florida is a typical...

Data Collection Program for the Design of a Wetlands Restoration Project
In this paper, a data collection program developed for wetland restoration projects in Southern California is described. The program will include itemized parameters in a checklist-type...

Coastal Zone Management in Todos Santos Bay, Baja California, Mexico
Todos Santos Bay was a relatively low impacted ecosystem by human activities until 1970's decade; however, the recent accelerated industrial and population growth of the city of Ensenada...





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