Seismic Risk Evaluation and Improvement Program for the Metropolitan Wastewater Department (MWWD), City of San Diego

Pumping Plant Buildings: Seismic Upgrades

Pumping Test Programs for Central Artery/Tunnel Project

Dewatering and Injection Testing for Design and Construction of the Fort Point Channel Crossing Project

Pumping Plan Halt Rising Water Levels in London

Pump-and-Treat Rescue
The pump-and-treat method of remediation has been regarded for years as unsuccessful and untrustworthy. But a recent project in Chicago showed that in conjunction with horizontal wells...

Model Development for Conjunctive Use Planning in Taiwan

Septic Tank Effluent Pump Systems

Installation of a Flexible Pipeline Irrigation System in Egypt

Promising New Ideas for Sedimentation Exclusion from Intakes

Control of Sediment Deposition at the Amir-Kabir Pump Station Using a Physical Hydraulic Model

The Frequency of Combined Sewer Overflows During Flood Events in the Receiving Water

Huxtable Pumping Plant Interior Flood Hydrology

Hydraulic Design and Analysis for a Water Supply System Modification

An Approach to Optimal Well Design

Some Issues Associated with the Use of Small-Scale Tracer Tests to Determine Aquifer Parameters

Application of the Simulation-Optimization Approach to Groundwater Management: Pease Air Force Base Case Study

Reduction of Residual LNAPL in Aquifers by Applying Surfactant Prior to Pumping

MPVE: A Flexible and Efficient Technology

Surge Protection Design for the City and County of San Francisco Water Transmission System





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