Measurement Systems in the Hapex-Mobilhy Regional Evapotranspiration Experiment
The HAPEX-MOBILHY (Hydrologic-Atmospheric Pilot Experiment - Modelisation du Bilan Hydrique) regional evapotranspiration experiment was conducted in the south-west of France during the...

Flow Measurement Using a Digital Pressure-Time Method
This paper describes flow measurements performed by TVA's Engineering Laboratory as a part of absolute efficiency measurements of the two units at the Great Falls Hydro Plant....

Overview o New England Coastal Flood Study Methodology
This paper presents an overview of the development of methologies used to determine the probabilistic flood levels for New England coastal flood insurance studies. The Federal Insurance...

Parameter Estimation for Multiphase Porous Media Systems
Parameter estimation for multiphase flow in porous media involves estimation of nonlinear functional relationships. These include the capillary pressure - saturation relation and the relative...

Mathematical Model of Wave Induced Pressures
A two-dimensional, implicit finite difference model was built to compute surface wave induced pressures under a gravity base foundation. The results showed considerable wave attenuation...

New Methodology for Determining the Optimal Rehabilitation and Replacement of Water Distribution System Components
A methodology is presented for the determination of the optimal timing for the rehabilitation/replacement of water distribution system components in order to minimize costs. In this model...

Progressive Impact Damage Assessment in Composite Pressure Vessels
At the present time, advanced composites have been widely accepted as engineering materials. Analysis techniques for the response of composite materials and structures to static loads...

Air Power Boosts Utility Energy Supplies
Based in part on successful findings of tests, in which compressed air was stored in underground aquifers, Central Illinois Public Service engineers are investigating a type of pumped...

Model-Prototype Correlation of Hydraulic Structures
Forty-three papers are contained in these proceedings, from the International Symposium on Model-Prototype Correlation of Hydraulic Structures. The papers cover a broad range of subjects...

New Found Youth for an Old Foundry
The Grey Iron plant, central foundry division of General Motors Corp., in Saginaw, Mich. conducted a study to evaluate the capacity and tooling of future casting operations of the more...

Renewing San Diego Pumping Station No. 64
Pump Station 64 has experienced a number of sewage overflows into Penasquitos Lagoon since 1979 (57 in total). The California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) issued a Cease...

Settlement of Residual Soils
The method previously suggested by the author in 1977 for calculating settlement of non-plastic to slightly plastic Piedmont Physiographic Region residual soils is reviewed. Additional...

Leachate Migration from a Solid Waste Disposal Facility Near Biscayne National Park, South Florida (abstract)s
Leachate from the Dade County Solid Waste Disposal Facility (SWDF) is migrating to the east (seaward) and to the south from the currently active disposal cell. Water levels and ground-water...

Comparing Results of Wave Data from Two Recorders
In this paper two sets of wave measurements made in the same region using a pressure transducer and a wave rider bouy are compared. The same methods of analysis were applied to both the...

Effect of Permeameter and Leachate on a Clay Liner
Hydraulic conductivity tests were performed on a natural clay liner material using leachate from an active Type II landfill. Comparative tests were conducted using flexible wall permeameters,...

Water Jets: Concrete Yes, Tunneling Maybe
High pressure water jets are demolishing concrete from bridge and parking decks, faster and at lower cost than by traditional means. The technique is fast becoming an acceptable option....

Design of Semi-Closed Pipeline Systems
Semi-closed pipeline systems controlled by downstream activated float valves permit low pressure pipeline systems to communicate information from the outflow location back to the source...

Case Study?Closed Pipeline Systems
The paper discusses closed pipeline system and its automation, including variable pumping rates, sensing devices, automatic controls, pressure regulators, flow measuring devices, surge...

Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Rehabilitation Program
The Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District obtained funding from the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation and the State of Washington to replace an open canal and lateral irrigation delivery system...

Design Considerations for Hydraulic Jump Structures
The primary purpose of this paper is to define the areal distribution of large-scale pressure pulses acting on the containment structure of a hydraulic jump. The results presented are...





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