Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction?
Unexpected events of major concern result from voluntary risks taken by one or more of the parties to a construction contract. The party taking the risk should reap the reward or pay the...

Automation of a Truck-Mounted Drill Rig
Truck-mounted drill rigs used for soils properties investigation, foundation evaluation, ore exploration, and producing monitor and water wells typically require, because of their weight,...

Implicit Design Knowledge and its Impact on Cost Estimating
Construction cost estimating experiences negative impacts due to a design-construction gap created by the fragmented nature of the AEC industry. Most of the design knowledge and data that...

Zero-based Contracts for Dispute Avoidance
There is presently considerable interest in reducing the costs associated with disputes and litigation in the facility acquisition process. One of the best ways to reduce such costs is...

Time/Cost Bidding
This paper presents the details of a relatively new and innovative approach to determining the low bidder on highway construction contracts. In the cost and time method each bidder proposes...

Designing Better Hollow Fibre Contactors
In this paper we calculate optimum hollow fibre module designs for gas absorption by maximizing the mass transferred per unit cost. Two costs are considered; the membrane cost and the...

Double-Decking the Freeways
Elevated highways cost more than at-grade construction. Nonetheless, the hidden costs of increased traffic congestion and the real cost of urban right-of-way make elevated highways feasible....

Regional Risk Assessment of Environmental Contamination from Oil Pipelines
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the risk of environmental contamination from oil pipeline leaks due to earthquakes. Risk is measured both as volume of oil released and...

Cost Savings from AVMC Systems in Trucking
The paper presents a brief overview of a methodology by which the cost savings of advanced vehicle monitoring and communication (AVMC) systems in long distance or intercity trucking can...

The Marina Environment from a Boaters Point of View
A discussion of the benefits and problems encountered by the recreational boater as a tenant of both the public and private marinas in Southern California is presented....

Minimum Lifetime Cost Design of Coastal Structures?A Proposal of Design Method for Rubble Sloping Breakwaters
The authors propose herein a rational design method for coastal structures with consideration for their repairs. The special characteristics of the proposal are that a certain extent of...

Structural Safety and Satisfaction
The mathematical program of a cost extremum constrained by safety, functional and other statements is a comfortable image of design. In this paper the various components of this program...

Modelling of Damage Due to Structural Failure
A multistage method of simulating failure situations associated with collapse of structures is described. Method is applied to evaluate statistical characteristics of the size and cost...

Comprehensive Leak Detection Survey and Benefit/Cost Analysis
Fort Carson, Colorado was the site of a comprehensive leak detection investigation of the potable water system with the express purpose of quantifying the benefits to be derived by a military...

Optimal Design of Water Transmission Mains
Capital cost for constructing a water transmission main includes cost of the pipeline and its associated installation costs. Also included in the capital cost is the cost of a pump station....

Life Cycle Cost Analysis Discount Rates and Inflation
Life Cycle Cost Analysis techniques are useful for comparing alternatives that have differing cash flows over the expected life of a project. The selection of an appropriate discount rate...

Simulation Modeling of Subsurface Development
This paper discusses the use of simulation modeling in analyzing subsurface development activities and estimating associated costs at the Yucca Mountain candidate repository site. Described...

Comparative Analyses of Spent Nuclear Fuel Transport Modal Options
The movement of nuclear waste can be accomplished by various transport modal options involving different types of vehicles, transport casks, transport routes, and intermediate intermodal...

Transportation Cask Life Cycle Cost Uncertainty Analysis
This paper demonstrates an uncertainty analysis methodology using random sampling. This methodology has been applied to a nuclear waste transportation code, and several transportation...

Analysis of RADTRAN Transportation Model
The RADTRAN computer model, used to estimate the risks of transporting waste to a high-level repository, is critically reviewed. Ignoring high consequence accidents, human error, sabotage,...





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