The Fatigue Performance of Welded Joints in a Marine Environment
The fatigue lives of plate-plate, pipe-plate, and tubular welded joints tested in seawater under free corrosion, optimum cathodic protection and cathodic overprotection measured in the...
Inelastic Response of Buried Pipelines Due to Landslide Effects
During earthquakes, a buried pipeline may experience significant loading as a result of large relative displacements of the ground along its length. Large ground movements can be caused...
An Evaluation of Pile Design in Fraser River Delta Using In-Situ Tests
Modern methods of pile design often take advantage of in-situ test data. Thirteen axial pile capacity design methods have been evaluated using the results from eight full-scale pile load...
Analysis of Pile Load Tests at Lock and Dam 26
This is a summary of the results collected during the extensive load test program performed by the U.S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis, during the construction of the new Lock and Dam...
Interpretation of Instrumented Driven Steel Pipe Piles
This paper presents the results of a series of studies on the behavior of driven close-ended steel pipe piles. Extensive field explorations and geotechnical analyses have been carried...
Cost Effective Pile Foundation Supports Fast Track Paper Mill
This paper decribes the generalized subsurface conditions, pile evaluation and load test program, pile and piling contractor selection, production pile installation, and quality assurance...
Innovative Foundation Designs for Permafrost Conditions in the Arctic
This paper describes the engineering solution to restore the structural properties of permafrost at a site location in the Western Operating Area of the Prudhoe Bay Field. Steel pile supports...
Management of Drumstick Barrier Islands
Three major problem areas exist on these barrier/inlet systems: 1) the updrift inlet which tends to migrate and erode the upland barrier, 2) the narrow, low and sediment-starved downdrift...
Patterns of Erosion Along the Atlantic Coast
Shoreline erosion data are needed in the implementation of recent legislation that authorizes the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to provide advance insurance payments for the...
Sand Accounting Methodology for Barrier Island Sediment Budget Analysis
A wide variety of theoretical and analytical techniques are used for estimating island budgets, but surveying has provided the most accurate means of evaluating change. To make comparisons...
Historical Shoreline Changes: A Comparison of Mean High Water and Vegetation Line Movement
A cooperative study produced historic mean high water shoreline change maps for the State of South Carolina. These maps have been used to calculate erosion rates for the entire developed...
Temporal and Spatial Variations in Shoreline Migration Rates, Metompkin Island, Virginia
Examination of historic shoreline position changes provides a mechanism for evaluating the influence of spatial and temporal variations in barrier island morphology on the long-term evolution...
A Case Study of Ebb Tidal Delta Equilibrium: Ocean City, Maryland
The inlet at Ocean City, Maryland was created by hurricane surge breaching of Fenwick Island Spit in 1933. Inlet stabilization was completed in 1934-1935. The inlet jetties have been held...
Erosion and Washover in Coastal Louisiana
In 1985 three hurricanes affected the barrier coastline (Caminada-Moreau Headland) of Louisiana. These produced severe coastal erosion and rapid washover extension. Using the 1979 U.S.G.S....
The South Carolina Coast I. Natural Processes and Erosion
The heart of South Carolina's beach erosion problem in South Carolina lies along those 26 miles of beach which are developed and are apparently experiencing more rapid erosion....
The South Carolina Coast II. Development and Beach Management
The variety of development and conservation areas is superimposed on a wide range of erosion and accretion histories. Lack of construction setbacks has contributed to the general but probably...
A Review of the South Carolina Method for Establishing Coastal Setback Lines
The location of the setback line will depend to a large extent on the nature of the shoreline. Those areas adjacent to an unstabilized tidal inlet and affected by coastal processes at...
Shoreline Change Along the South Carolina Coast
Shoreline erosion/accretion rates were determined for the Atlantic coast extending from Tybee Island, GA. along the entire South Carolina coast to Cape Fear, NC. Approximately 130 years...
The Coastline of Rio De Janeiro From a Coastal Engineering Point of View
The Ocean Engineering Department of COPPE/UFRJ started in early 1988 a project called 'Littoral Rio', in order to make an assessment of coastal engineering problems...
The Coastline Between Rio De Janeiro and Cabo Frio
The coastline between Rio de Janeiro and Cabo Frio is characterized by successive long beach arcs, oriented in the East-West direction. The beaches are separated by rocky headlands resulting...
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