Processes of Shoreline Change Along the Nile Delta Coast of Egypt
A comprehensive program has been underway for more than a decade to collect nearshore data related to erosion problems experienced along the shoreline of the Nile Delta. The data include...
Sea-Cliff Erosion Along the Oregon Coast
Sea-cliff erosion is a problem along the coast of Oregon in that many communities have been built on terraces affected by bluff retreat. There is considerable coast-wide variability in...
Mechanisms of Coastal Cliff Erosion in Ceredigion, West Wales, UK
Investigation of cliff recession along 20km of the West Wales coastline has recognised erosion processes and mechanisms. Mean contemporary recession rates of 13cm/year have been measured...
Model Testing of Shore Protection Schemes at Surfside-Sunset Beach, CA
A 1:75-scale physical hydraulic model was used to investigate the design of proposed structural modifications at Surfside-Sunset Beach, California, with regard to beach erosion at the...
Movable-Bed Model Study of Storm-Induced Beach Fill Erosion at Ocean City Maryland
Movable-bed physical model scaling guidance has recently been validated for the case of turbulent-dominated sediment transport, such as occurs in the surf zone. The tests successfully...
Numerical Simulation of Beach Profile Response to Hurricane Hugo
Beach and dune erosion caused by Hurricane Hugo at Myrtle and Debidue Beaches, South Carolina was simulated using an explicit finite-difference cross-shore sand transport numerical mode....
Chesapeake Bay Field Modeling and Monitoring Projects
'Traditional' erosion control measures often do not meet the Corps of Engineers' requirement for economic justification. The costs of these measures...
Initial Shoreline Response at the Presque Isle Erosion Control Project
Construction of the Presque Isle Shoreline Erosion Control Project in Lake Erie at Erie, PA began October 1989 and consists of fifty-eight offshore segmented breakwaters with beachfill....
Beach Erosion in Japan and Its Classification
Beach erosion in Japan is investigated in a nationwide scale and the causes are classified into six categories. Of six categories the most important factors are 1) obstruction of continuous...
The Interaction of Seawalls and Beaches: Four Years of Field Monitoring, Monterey Bay, California
Coastal protection structures have historically been the most common approach to dealing with the problem of shoreline erosion in the United States. Three potential impacts of these structures...
An Artificial Perched-Gravel Beach as a Shore Protection Structure
Gravel beaches provide the backshore of coastal environments with a protective buffer from wave erosion. A case study is presented of the conceptual design and utility of an artificial...
Beach Nourishment Episodes at the Sandy Hook Unit, Gateway National Recreation Area, New Jersey, USA: A Preliminary Comparison
A chronic erosion problem at Sandy Hook resulted in two major beach nourishment operations during the 1980's, employing material dredged from nearby navigation channels. Grain...
Coastal Process Study on Beacon Shoreline
A sediment budget was developed for the Santa Barbara and Ventura County shoreline in Southern California as part of an overall coastal planning effort. The budget was analyzed primarily...
The Santa Cruz Littoral Cell: Difficulties in Quantifying a Coastal Sediment Budget
Beach compartments or littoral cells form the framework for our understanding of the sources, transport, sinks, and storage of sand in the nearshore zone. In general, along the California...
Waenhuiskrans: Sediment Budget and Reactivation of a Sediment Pathway
Erosion of beaches due to historical dune stabilisation work carried out at Waenhuiskrans, a holiday village on the south-east coast of South Africa, prompted the need for the reactivation...
The Ebro Delta Project: A First Sediment Budget
In this paper, a sedimentary budget for the Ebro delta coast in the Western Mediterranean is presented. Calculations have been performed after one year of field campaign. The main result...
Recent Evolution and Potential Causal Mechanisms of Cedar Island, Virginia, 1852-1986
Shoreline mapping was used to reconstruct the historical shoreline evolution of Cedar Island, Virginia in an effort to clarify the debate on barrier island response to sea level rise --...
Permeability of Cement Grout Plugs in Basaltic Rocks
Flow tests have been conducted on expansive cement grout plugs with diameters of 160 mm and 200 mm, and length-to-diameter ratios of one, in boreholes in basalt blocks, and in steel pipes....
Composite Liner, Leak Detection System, and Floating Cover for Nuclear Reactor Emergency Retention Basins
Existing reactor effluent basins are being retrofitted with composite liners, leak detection system and floating covers. Such basins have a 15-year life and remain empty until an accident...
North Fork Feather River Erosion Control Program
PG&E, an investor owned gas and electric utility serving northern and central California, has been engaged since 1984 in the development and implementation of a regional erosion...
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