Shoreline Management Along the Cohesive Shorelines of the Great Lakes
The primary focus of Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs) is minimizing the risks to life and property due to flood and erosion hazards. Various approaches are utilized to minimize these...

Coastal Zone Management in Atlantic Canada: Developing the Necessary Regional Infrastructure
This paper focuses on the incremental development of a coastal zone management (CZM) constituency in the Atlantic Region and in particular on the recent establishment of the Atlantic Coastal...

Coastal Processes and Management of the Mahanadi River Deltaic Complex, East Coast of India
The Mahanadi river deltaic complex in the tropical climatic setting on the east coast of India has been studied with respect to geomorphology, land use/cover, coastal processes and management....

Polyacrylamide Decreases Furrow Erosion
Erosion from furrow irrigated land is a serious problem in southern Idaho and several other areas. Polyacrylamide, a very long chain polymer, increases aggregate stability and flocculates...

Parameter Sensitivity of a Non-Linear, Process-Based Soil Erosion Model
Process-based, parameter distributed models have become widely accepted tools to predict the impacts of land use changes. Unfortunately these computer models are becoming more complex...

IRRICAD ? Computerized Irrigation Design
IRRICAD is a software program that helps irrigation designers by using a computerized systems approach to design. The program features drawing CAD input, interpolation of elevation data,...

Watershed Erosion
Scientific agricultural planning requires knowledge of the relations between soil and water that cause soil loss, and of the procedure to reduce such losses on cropland. This paper presents...

Velocity Reduction at a Submerged Pipe Outlet
This paper presents the results of a specific model study to reduce the 17.5 m/s (57.3 ft/s) discharge velocity of a submerged circular pipe discharging at floor level into a 30.5 m (100...

Dune Profiles Before and After Storm Events in Coastal Massachusetts
It is well known that short-term changes in dune profiles can have a major effect on the severity of storm damage to coastal areas. In light of this, the standardized methodology developed...

Protecting the Boca Raton Outfall Before and After Hurricane Andrew
A critical factor for the success of an ocean outfall is its ability to remain intact and functional for many decades of service, despite extreme episodes of wave attack and beach erosion....

Design and Performance of Emergency Spillway Channel Erosion Protection?Grenada Lake Dam, Grenada, Mississippi
Grenada Lake Dam located on the Yalobusha River in northeast Mississippi is part of the Mississippi River and Tributaries comprehensive plan for flood control. The 13,000-ft-long earthfill-type...

Erosion Protection at Hydraulic Structures: A Report From the Task Committee
In 1991 the ASCE Hydraulics Structures Committee formed a task committee on Erosion Protection at Hydraulic Structures. The purpose of the committee is to determine current practices in...

Numerical Solution of Transient Closed-Conduit Flow Equations by the Method of Lines Along Characteristics
The method of characteristics has long been considered as a natural technique for solving transient closed-conduit problems. In this paper, by using the concept of the method of lines,...

Laplace Valve Stroking to Control Water Hammer
The method of Laplace valve stroking to control water hammer is presented. Attention is directed to the most frequently encountered of the simple systems: a single pipe originating at...

Shape Effect on Bed-Load Transport in Pipes
The nature of part-full flows in pipe sewers produces different channel shapes resulting in non-uniform shear stress distribution on the wetted perimeter. New experimental data were utilized...

Regulation of Flow Downstream of Weirs
Reregulation weirs are one means adopted by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide continuous improved minimum flow and wetted area for aquatic life downstream if hydroprojects...

Flow Resistance Properties of Flexible Linings
Flow resistance for flexible channel linings is a function of the relative roughness of the lining in accordance with boundary-layer principles. As with vegetation, flexible linings have...

Cable-tied Concrete Block Erosion Protection
An articulated concrete erosion protection system is investigated as a possible revetment for bridge piers to be used in place of the traditional rip-rap revetment. The system consists...

Friction Loss Equations for Hydropower Facilities
Many water suppliers are pursuing economic benefits from water supply and distribution systems through development of hydropower facilities on pipelines. Excessive pressure head that used...

Gully Intrusion on Reclaimed Disposal Sites
A three-phase gully erosion study was initiated at the Engineering Research Center of Colorado State University, in cooperation with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The objective...





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