Taxis, Elevated
A new private vehicle transportation service is in the works that will fly passengers across cities at up to 200 mph using electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles....

Airport Funding, Passenger Facility Charges Spark Debate Amid Aviation Reauthorization

NewsBriefs: Novel Passenger Assistance Is Now At U.S. Airports (Global Post and The Blaze)

NewsBriefs: Semisubmersible Vehicle Gives Passengers a Snorkeler's View (CNN and Wired)

Low-Profile Crash Barriers and End Units Protect Passengers, Sight Lines

NewsBriefs: Amtrak Lost $32 per Passenger in 2008

NewsBriefs: Magnetic Levitation Passenger Train Study Under Way in Nevada (Trains Magazine)

Railways: High-Speed Freight and Passenger Line to Connect Spain and France

The Passenger and Baggage Flow Model (PBFM) Tool

Landing the Big One
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has investigated the potential impacts on airport design of the new large aircraft, which will weigh more than 1 million lbs (453,600 kg) and...

A Transit Passenger Flow Control Model on KCR

Simulation of Traffic Organization with Raising the Speed of Passenger Trains

Layout and Assignment of Passenger Station in RJT

Delay-Based Passenger Car Equivalents for Heavy Vehicles at Signalized Intersections

Apply Internet in Railway Passenger Ticket System

The Upgrading of ITS in Railway Passenger Station

Personal Rapid Transit Technology: Opportunities for Airport Passenger Terminal Facility Planning

The High Speed Passenger Conveyor Reflections on Comfort

Cruise Ship Passenger Facility Development at Freeport Harbour

Today's Automobile Ferry Terminal Improvements Solve Tomorrow's Intermodal Transportation Needs





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