Parking Lot Gets White Top
The many-acre parking lot at the Valley Fair Mall shopping center in Salt Lake City, Utah is described. In 1985 the asphalt pavement was overlaid with concrete, making it one of the relatively...

Oxygenation of Releases from Richard B. Russell Dam
The oxygen injection system at the Richard B. Russell project has a continuous injection system located 1 mile upstream of the Russell damsite but also has supplemental injection capability...

Colorado High Mountain Aquifer Study
This paper describes the potential for formulating water projects in Colorado using the storage capability of high mountain glacial aquifers. Although a terminal moraine provides a natural...

Utopia Under Glass
We stand within sight of the day when our reserves of fossils fuel will be inadequate to maintain the type of energy inefficient cities we have grown used to. This exercise in urban planning...

A Generic Design for On-Site Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage
This paper describes a generic design for an on-site low level radioactive waste storage facility. The generic design encompases the development of design criteria including an envelope...

Building Arrangement and Site Layout Design Guides for On Site Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facilities
This paper will discuss a typical storage facility and address the design considerations and operational aspects that are generally overlooked when designing and siting a low level radioactive...

The Origin, Training, Evaluation and Status of Construction Inspectors
Inspection of construction is mandated by law. Design engineers cannot disclaim their responsibility for construction inspection by citing self-serving language in the contract documents....

Requirements of a High Technology Owner
The requirements of a high technology owner are best represented by a set of expectations and goals that are needed to achieve a certain business plan. There are extreme time pressures...

Structural Engineering for High Technology Clients
The unique requirements of the high tech industry provide interesting and fascinating challenges to the structural engineer of the 1980's. The following is a list of the most...

Design of High-Technology Facilities from the Vibration Standpoint
High-technology facilities, such as those used for the production of integrated circuits or for optics research, generally require extremely limited vibration environments. Suitable precautions...

Renovation Versus New Construction for High Technology Manufacturing Facilities
The purpose of this paper is to compare the differences between renovation and new construction for High Technology Manufacturing Facilities. The standards of quality, cost, and schedule...

Facility Location and Land Use: The Urban/Rural Dilemma?A Commentary
A large part of the dilemma associated with the conflicting impacts of facility location and land use is not so much a lack of technical engineering input, but rather the lack of analytical...

The Middletown (CT) Riverfront Development Plan
Middletown is strategically located on the banks of the Connecticut River in the central part of Connecticut. Middletown has a tradition as a maritime center. During the seventeenth and...

Designing People Places
Designing people places on the waterfront relies on first satisfying people's needs. The needs of people in public places (both on and off the waterfront) include at least...

The Changing Configuration of Commercial Ports
The ports of the world are constantly changing. The present day concept of a ship or barge entering a harbor, being unloaded, reloaded and 'sailing' out is not...

Complexity in Concrete
Centrust Tower in Miami, Fla., is a $95 million, 37 story, 600,000 sq ft tower rising from one side of a block-square 11 story parking garage. Columns on the curved side of the triangular...

Facility Location and Land Use
The Urban/Rural Dilemma
Most land use planning techniques focus on large metropolitan areas, with relatively little attention paid to smaller communities. Recent issues such as nuclear power plant location, water...

Parking Efficiency Through Shared Parking Concepts
Due to continuing demand for concentrated parking supply in our urban areas, developers and public agencies must devote a significant amount of their resources and energies to providing...

Defining the Infrastructure Problem?The Local View
The Governor's report defines infrastructure as 'the collective network of physical facilities and their maintenance necessary to sustain economic growth and...

Deep Water Bering Sea Development Concepts
A brief description of the major environmental factors that a structure used to produce oil and gas in the deep water Bering Sea would have to cope with is presented. In particular, the...





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