Bibliography on Ocean Energy
With the prospect of an increasing shortage of energy resources, there has been a growing interest in renewable alternative sources of energy. An increasing effort is being directed towards...

Law of the Sea: U.S. Votes No
The United States has voted against the international treaty which will regulate ocean and waterway passage, ocean mining, and fishing rights. Implications are far reaching as the precedents...

CE Interview: John Hernandez (Part II)
Since the Reagan administration took over the Environmental Protection Agency in 1981, there have been few decisions that have not stirred controversy. In the second part of an interview...

Water Forum '81
One hundred seventy-one papers that were part of the American Society of Civil Engineer's 1981 specialty conference on water issues are included. The publication is presented...

Sulfer Extended Asphalt
Since the 1973 oil embargo, the Federal Highway Administration has researched and promoted the experimental use of a new pavement binder, sulfur-extended asphalt (SEA). In SEA paving mixes,...

Coastal Zone '80
One hundred thirty-nine papers presented at the second symposium on coastal and ocean management are included. Authors are planners, engineers, government administrators and environmentalists....

Cognac: World's Tallest Offshore Oil Platform
Shell Oil's 1980 OCEA-winner is a three-sectioned design of steel fabrication and deep-sea installation. Cognac is currently the world's tallest, heaviest, and...

Electricity from the Sea
In Hawaii, the state, Lockheed Space and Missile Co. and Dillingham Corp. have conceived, designed and built the first prototype ocean thermal energy conversion plant. OTEC uses the 40�F...

Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas
The proceedings of the National Symposium on Urban Stormwater Management in Coastal Areas brings together the disciplines of urban stormwater management and ocean and coastal engineering....

The USGS Centennial: From Mining to Mapping the Moon
The United States Geological Survey was established 100 years ago by the U.S. Congress primarily to determine the extent of the rapidly industrializing nation's mineral resources. The...

Honolulu Sewage Plant Pioneers Advanced Primary Treatment, Has Deepest Ocean Outfall
Honolulu recently started up a new sewage treatment plant that brings a new twist to decades-old sewage-treatment technology: advanced primary treatment. Key to this primary treatment...

Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV
This conference on Civil Engineering in the Oceans is sponsored by the Technical Committee on Ocean Engineering (TCOE) of the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of ASCE in cooperation...

Pipelines in Adverse Environments
A State of the Art
The Conference us designed to establish communications between designers and users. The subjects covered are: Pipelines in the Ocean - design, construction and inspection; Routing, design...

Measuring the Effects of Man's Wastes on the Ocean
Understanding the ecological effects of municipal wastewater discharged into the ocean depends on data developed by reliable measurements. Municipal wastes are largely residential sewage...

NYC's Plan to Meet the Water Quality Challenge
Most parts of New York City's waterways do not meet state standards. Combined sewer overflows cause the discharge of raw sewage. The City's ancient sewer system...

Sled Mounted Hydro-Jet Injector Buries Transatlantic Cable
A need for reliable and uninterrupted overseas telephone communications required that the transatlantic cable (TAT 5) be placed in a secure position below the ocean floor where it could...

Ports '77
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of ASCE, held in Long Beach, California, March 9-11, 1977. Sponsored by ASCE, Los Angeles Section;...

Supertanker Fixed Berth in Open Ocean
The oil terminal offshore Tomakomai, Japan, is the world's first fixed dock in open ocean. It must withstand 150 mph typhoon winds. To minimize time, cost and danger of open...

Concrete Replaces Steel in Offshore Coal-Loading Terminal
An open water coal-loading terminal off the east coast of Australia berths 100,000 dwt coal ships. The concrete caissons for the berth were constructed within a drydock and later a breakwater,...

Preview�1976 Offshore Technology Conference
In this Eighth Offshore Technology, the 300 papers and 1,300 exhibitors will be related to such topics as semi-submersible drill rigs, pollution avoidance devices, equipment protection,...





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