More on Japan's Inland Sea Coastal Citizen Movements
In this paper, an attempt is made to update the information on the three coastal citizen movements in the Seto Inland Sea region of Japan that were prsented by this author at CZ'83,...
Coastal and Ocean Resources for Energy Development
There has been a growing interest in renewable alternative sources of energy. An increasing effort is being directed towards the problem of extracting energy from the world's...
A Transformation Technique to Generate a Shallow-Water Directional Wave Climate
The shallow-water wave data must be computed as to be representative of a sufficient length of coast to be useful for most projects, while sufficiently large to filter out many spurious...
Improvement and Construction of Coastal Fishing Grounds in Japan
Development of coastal fishery has become one of the most important issue in the field of food supply. Basically, in order to promote coastal fishery, it is necessary to increase marine...
Roles of Fishing Ports in Local Areas of Japan
In Japan, the utilization of the sea especially in coastal zone has been increased and this tendency will continue in future, because activities on the coastal zone in local areas will...
A Preliminary Study on the Comprehensive Exploitation of Coast Zone Resources in the Southern Fujian
The Pacific tidal wave intrudes the South China Sea through the Bass Strait and travels northward as an 'upgoing wave' to Taiwan Strait affecting the Southern...
Quantifying Florida's Coastal Storm Wave Susceptibility
A simple computer model capable of describing potential storm wave inundation and damage along Florida's sandy beaches is described from first principles. Model STORMWAVE...
Beneficial Use of Municipal Sewage in the Ocean
When sewage sludges and effluents are introduced in a properly controlled manner, they can be of benefit to large areas of the ocean. For example, benthic biomass and growth rates of commercially-valuable...
Monitoring Environmental Impacts from Waste Disposal in the Deep Ocean
Deep ocean sites are presently being considered for the permanent disposal of wastes. Their environmental acceptability can only be assessed by an efficient and effective monitoring plan....
Effect of Ocean Setback Standards on the Location of Permanent Structures
A measure of the degree of safety from long-term erosion can be estimated by comparing the actual distance an owner chooses to locate landward of the required setback with the estimated...
Rising Sea Level, Storms, and Coastal Erosion at Ocean City, Maryland
This paper describes the 'greenhouse effect', and its impact on future sea level rise; provides an overview of the possible impacts on Maryland and other coastal...
Tapping Deep Water Resources
Lena is the first commercial guyed tower. Its jacket is the longest ever fabricated, loaded out and launched in one piece. Lena stands in 1,000 ft deep water and has a three-level oil...
Simulation of Marsh Growth Under Rising Sea Levels
A method for computation of the rise of a marsh surface is presented that includes the effects of tidal and sea level variations, aggregation and deposition of cohesive suspended sediments,...
Sedimentation of Waste Particles in Coastal Waters
Environmental effects associated with various ocean disposal practices are determined to a large extent by the fate of waste particles. The importance of coagulation on particle deposition...
Brownian Coagulation in the Initial Mixing Region of a Buoyant Plume
The paper discusses reactive systems that share the following common phenomenon: their reaction is either controlled by both kinetics and diffusion, or fully by diffusion. It reports on...
3-D Orthogonal Curvilinear Circulation Modelling
A three-dimensional circulation model has been developed using an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The model as constructed is capable of simulations on a variety of time and...
A Microcomputer Dispersivity Evaluation Method for Thick Aquifers
The Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) program uses volunteer observers recruited to obtain daily visual observations of such coastal variables as breaker height, wave period, direction...
Development of a Practical Method Simulating Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in Soils
Many ground-water modeling studies can be performed on currently available microcomputers. The greatest problem associated with the proliferation of ground-water modeling software for...
The Role of Demand Forecasts in Pacific Northwest Power Planning
This paper has two primary objectives: to acquaint a general audience with the basic approaches used to forecast the demand for electricity, and to discuss the role of demand forecasts...
Coastal Zone '85
Coastal Zone '85 was a multidisciplinary conference for professionals, interested citizens, and decision-makers to exchange information and views. Coastal zone management...
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