Health Effects Evaluation?Ocean Disposal of Sludge
Court rulings have recently allowed the ocean disposal of municipal wastewater sludge in certain cases. This paper describes a methodology which was developed to determine acceptable loadings...

Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study: A Regional Coastal Zone Monitoring Program
An integral aspect of the Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS) was the implementation of a four year comprehensive regional coastal zone monitoring program in 1983....

After Action Report 1983 California Coastal Storms
The winter of 1982-1983 saw some dramatic changes in the worldwide weather patterns that have been attributed to the anomaly known as El Nino. During that winter California was attacked...

The Analysis of the Environmental Impact
Oil serves mankind. Winning such a valuable and necessary energy resource demands for stringent rules. It is not the oil which threatens the environment on earth, but the negligence of...

Coastal Management Problems in the United Kingdom
Five case-studies from the East coast of England illustrate some of the obstacles facing more enlightened coastal management in the United Kingdom. All the examples demonstrate unsatisfactory...

Coastal Wetland Restoration ? Developers Challenge
National policy asks protection of wetlands regardless of condition and with no provision to return them to functional condition. Neither state nor federal agencies budget for capital...

Survival of Ocean Life: The Critical Balance
Several major problem areas in ocean management are in need of immediate and stringent address. Excessive erosion and sedimentation, stems from man's inadequacies in land...

Contained Dredged Material for Open Ocean Disposal
An intensive series of investigations were conducted on the sediments deposited in Craney Island, a 1012 hectare contained disposal facility in the Port of Hampton Roads, VA. Geographic...

Dredge Material Evaluation Through Harbor Characterization in New England
The New England Division (NED) of the Corps has recently developed a broad based methodology for simultaneously evaluating dredging projects that are in close proximity and which would...

Ocean Dumping at the Philadelphia Site; A Case Study
This study reviews the results of eleven years of investigation of the impact of ocean disposal of sewage sludge at the Philadelphia dumpsite. The site, located on the continental shelf...

Radioactivity in the Ocean: Laws and Biological Effects
This paper summarizes the literature on U. S. laws and international agreements, experimental and monitoring data, and ongoing studies to provide background information for environmental...

Moving Society's Wastes Through the Coastal Zone
This paper considers the use of incinerator ships for the destruction of liquid hazardous waste. Needless to say, such a system requires movement of wastes through the coastal zone. This...

Use of Remote Sensing to Assess Estuarine Habitats
Estuaries and lagoons are dominant features in Florida. They are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth and provide food and shelter for a large and diverse group of living resources....

Investigations of Day-Night Distributional Changes of Striped Bass in Hudson River Interpier Areas
As part of a Hudson River fisheries study, investigations were made in an attempt to assess whether onshore-offshore movements could change the number of juvenile striped bass using interpier...

The Problem of Evaluating Marine Fishery Habitat
Measuring the value of fisheries habitat is made difficult by the fact that the final product, fish, is a common property resource and its non-commercial values (e. g. , recreation, aesthetics)...

Histological Markers of Environmental Effect
This paper evaluates the potential use of histopathology in determining the health of wild fish relative to the quality of the water in which the fish are residents. This paper examines...

Importance of Underpier Areas in Lower Hudson River for Striped Bass
A stratified random sampling design was employed in which each of three sampling zones (New York, New Jersey and Upper Harbor underpier areas) were sampled once per month from February...

Local Government Implementation of Chesapeake Bay Protection
The 1984 session of the Maryland General Assembly concluded with the passage of a legislative package on the Chesapeake Bay. One of the cornerstones of the package is the Critical Areas...

The Protection and Management of Cultural Resources Through State Coastal Management Programs?A North Carolina Case Study
North Carolina's coastal management program attempts to protect and manage a broad spectrum of the state's coastal resources. These resources range from valuable...

The Failure of Section 312 of the CZMA
Coastal Zone Management Act, as amended, provides for a continuing evaluation of a state's Coastal Zone Management Program. This paper reviews the history and evolution of...





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