Coastal Protection Guidelines, Orange County, GA
As a result of coastal storms in the past several years the County of Orange (California) incurred large and unanticipated costs in providing emergency protection for private shorefront...

Trash Busters ? A Comparison of Screening Structures for Irrigation Systems
Several irrigation districts in the Pacific Northwest have recently installed screening structures for use in removal of trash from canals, rivers, or reservoirs. Some of the screens have...

Queensland, Australia - River Diversion Schemes
The east coast of the State of Queensland has high or very high annual rainfall which declines rapidly with distance inland. The area west of the Great Dividing Range, which parallels...

The Ultimate High Tide
Unprecedented consumption of fossil fuels and clearing of vegetation have spurred interest in the greenhouse effect. Under this scenario, a build-up of carbon dioxide and other gases in...

The OCEANWHEEL Artificial Island
The compression rim and tension spoke structural system (OCEANWHEEL) transfers lateral loads from sea surface to seafloor efficiently. It promises a wide variety of uses beyond the described...

Electrical Resistivity Techniques for Offshore Arctic Geotechnical Engineering Applications
The electrical resistivity of an arctic marine soil depends on the porosity, pore water salinity, grain size and shape, clay content, and degree of ice-bonding of the soil. Therefore,...

The Role of Ice Gouging in Determining Global Forces on Arctic Structures
Structures built in water depths where ice keels are in contact with the seafloor can experience reductions in the environmental driving forces transmitted to structures due to seafloor...

NPDES Permits for Accelerated Oil & Gas Development
Section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for waste discharges...

Environmental Permitting Approaches for Future Development of Offshore Oil Fields in the Arctic
Environmental impact of petroleum prospecting on the North Slope of Alaska is complicated by climatic problems of long periods of low temperature and thick ocean ice. Better engineering...

Oilspill Response Technology for the Arctic
Alaska Clean Seas is a spill response organization whose area of interest includes all of the marine environment surrounding Alaska. It provides support to members in contingency planning,...

Selection of Environmental Design Criteria for Arctic Structures
Where data are insufficient for calculation of extremes using probability theory, design criteria may be reasonable defined by combining available data, knowledge of physical processes...

Technical Considerations for Beaufort Sea Pipelines
The development of Beaufort Sea fields requires construction methods and equipment for pipeline installation and trenching providing a balance between safety, reliability, and economy....

Orthophotoquad Mapping Program for Alaska
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the lead civilian mapping agency in the United States and is responsible for creating and maintaining numerous map series. In Alaska the standard...

Bering Sea Crude Oil Transportation Systems
A study to evaluate and compare the technology and costs associated with crude oil transportation alternatives in the Bering Sea has been conducted. Existing and proposed offshore loading...

Single Point Moorings for the Bering Sea
Multi or single-legged buoy systems such as conventional CALMs or SALMs would not survive the winter season in the Bering Sea because the forces generated in the anchoring chains by pack-ice...

North Sea Technology Transfer to the Bering Sea
Concrete platforms in the North Sea are reviewed, including technological considerations and economic factors involved in their selection and application. The applicability of this technology...

Research Needed for Civil Engineering in the Arctic
A survey is based on the work of the Research Committee of the ASCE Technical Council on Cold Region Engineering and findings in a number of previous reports on research needs in cold...

Arctic Offshore Engineering: A New Graduate Course at Texas A&M University
Based upon the present projections for the offshore petroleum industry, many of our future engineering graduates will find employment related to Arctic Offshore activities. In an effort...

SAV Reestablishment Results?Upper Chesapeake Bay
In the Susquehanna Flats area of the upper Chesapeake Bay, six submersed aquatic plant species were used to test the feasibility of transplanting SAV into sites which were previously vegetated,...

The Impact of Selected Sea Level Rise Scenarios on the Beach and Coastal Structures at Sea Bright, N.J.
The physical impacts of selected sea level rise scenarios on the shoreline of Sea Bright, New Jersey, are investigated. The sea level rise scenarios chosen for investigation were developed...





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