An Update to CoastWatch?NOAA's New Capability for the Coastal Ocean
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) CoastWatch project was initiated in August 1988 in response to a red tide event off the North Carolina coast....

Satellite Mapped Imagery for CoastWatch
The goal of CoastWatch, an activity within the new Coastal Ocean Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is to provide data and products for near real-time...

A New Approach to Ocean Data Management
Ocean Data Management is the collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of a wide variety of physical, chemical, biological and geological data useful for research purposes in the...

The Marine Review Committee San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station: A Case Study of the Use of Scientific Data in the Regulatory Decision-Making Process
In 1974, the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission established the Marine Review Committee (MRC) as a condition of the coastal permit for construction of the San Onofre Nuclear...

Using a Constraints Analysis to Develop Project Alternatives
Santa Barbara County is in the process of preparing an EIR on a large piece of coastal property known as the Ellwood Beach - Santa Barbara Shores Specific Plan area. The Santa Barbara...

Multiple Use Ocean Management in the U.S.: Toward a New Conceptual Framework
Problems with the sectorally based, largely single-purpose approach to the management of ocean resources and ocean space in the United States have been amply documented in recent years....

Regional Ocean Resources Management
The fluid nature of the ocean environment and the mobility of living ocean resources place obvious limits on the ability of state and federal resource managers to effectively manage based...

Interim Findings of an Ocean Policy Study for the State of Mississippi
In 1989, the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal program received funding from the National Sea Grant Program to produce an Ocean Policy Study for the state of Mississippi. The goals of...

The Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program: Policy Planning and Inter-agency Coordination
The purpose of the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program has been to make comprehensive policy recommendations on how ocean and coastal resources should be managed and to identify...

Detection of 2-D Nearshore Wave Patterns Using Linear Prediction and SAR Data
Extraction of wave parameters such as wavelength and direction on radar images is normaly done using fast Fourier transforms (FFT) on typical image size of 256 ? 256 which may not be appropriate...

Ocean Wave Propagation up a Narrow Channel
The results of a hydraulic model investigation of ocean wave propagation up a narrow channel are reported. Both monochromatic and random waves were used to study the wave characteristics...

Scour Around Cylindrical Piles Due to Wave Motion in the Surf-Zone
The paper discusses the results of experimental tests to study scouring phenomena around cylindrical piles during a sea storm with reference to the modelling of a beach profile in the...

Nature-Assisted Dune Restoration
The concept of finding and placing compatible sand along the coastal shoreline for dune restoration is presented. Laboratory experimental result supporting this concept is reported. Field...

Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Mitigation Plan
The construction of public works projects within a coastal zone requires the cooperation of all permitting and approval authorities to identify project goals, impacts and alternatives...

A New Panama Canal?
Based upon the 1977 treaty between the United States and Panama and an exchange of diplomatic notes among Panama, Japan and United States, a trinational feasibility study is being conducted...

Sea Level Rise and Maritime Boundaries: The Effect of Rising Sea Level on International Boundaries
This paper, jointly written by a lawyer and a coastal geomorphologist, will examine the possible responses at a legal level to the implications of global warming induced sea level rise...

Studies of Zooplankton Near the Nuclear Power Plant?Angra I. Preoperational Conditions (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
The plankton from marine bays on the coast of Rio de Janeiro State has been poorly studies, and little information is available about Ilha Grande and Sepetiba Bays and Guanabara Bay. This...

Observations of Seasonal and Interseasonal Variability in Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Nearly five years of monthly mean current data from two locations (one nearshore on the shallow shelf and one in the Shelikof sea valley) are used in conjunction with surface geostrophic...

Submarine Sand Ridges: Unique Marine Environment and Natural Resources
Submarine sand ridges are large scale depositional sandy bodies on the inner shallow water continental shelves, which are mostly distributed in the macro tide area where the mobile sandy...

California Marine Debris Action Plan
Trash in the oceans and on California's beaches are killing marine wildlife and fouling our beaches. To address this problem in California, the Center for Marine Conservation...





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