Ecotourism?Examples from United States Coastal Management Programs and Marine and Estuarine Parks
This paper presents examples of coastal management experiences with ecotourism. Several states, including Massachussetts, New Jersey, Oregon, and California, are highlighted....

Vulnerability of the U.S. to Future Sea Level Rise
The differential vulnerability of the conterminous United States to future sea level rise from greenhouse climate warming is assessed, using a coastal hazards data base. This data base...

Evidence for Eustatic Influence on Cenozoic Sedimentation of Coastal Washington and Oregon
Comparison of the absolute age boundaries of the West Coast biozonation with the Cenozoic global cycle chart indicates that 12 of the 15 zonal boundaries coincide with regressive sequence...

Sea-Cliff Erosion Along the Oregon Coast
Sea-cliff erosion is a problem along the coast of Oregon in that many communities have been built on terraces affected by bluff retreat. There is considerable coast-wide variability in...

Analysis of Transport Processes on Ocean Disposal Mound
Disposal site 'F', an ocean disposal site for dredged sediments from Coos Bay, Oregon was designed to be a dispersive site. The site has not demonstrated high...

Case Study: Central Oregon Siphon Power Project Mitigating Local Concerns
In the early 1980's, 18 hydroelectric projects were proposed for development on the Deschutes River system in Central Oregon. Strong local opposition was a major factor in...

How the Office of Hydropower Licensing Resolved Seven Recent Relicensing Disputes
In May 1989, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) issued relicensing regulations in Order No. 513 to (1) help licensees whose hydropower licenses were about to expire...

Seismic Analysis of the Bonneville 1st Powerhouse
The Bonneville 1st powerhouse monoliths were constructed during the period of 1938 to 1942 and were designed against seismic loads using the old lateral coefficient method. The Corps of...

Overtopping Protection for A. R. Bowman Dam
Arthur R. Bowman Dam is a 245-foot-high (74.7-m) central-core rockfill dam located on the Crooked River in central Oregon. The probable maximum flood (PMF) would overtop the dam by 20...

Dissolved Oxygen and Woody Debris: Detecting Sensitive Forest Streams
Early watershed studies showed that timber harvesting and yarding could depress dissolved oxygen in nearby streams when fresh slash entered streams and streamside shade was reduced. State...

Inventory and Seismic Loss Estimation of Portland Water/Sewer Systems GIS Application to Buried Pipelines
Portland, Oregon has been identified by USGS as one of the earthquake-prone areas, in which earthquake hazard mitigation is important. This project develops an efficient and realistic...

Earthquake Loss Estimation of the Portland, Oregon Water and Sewage Systems?Evaluation of Concentrated Facilities
This paper summarizes a report that provides an inventory of concentrated water and sewage facilities in two selected drainage basins in the City of Portland. Concentrated facilities include...

Environmental Wave Barriers for Small Craft Harbors
This paper describes the history and development of the environmental wave barrier and the current planning and design being undertaken for a major expansion of the small boat harbor at...

Volcano-Tectonic Interpretations: An Example from the Northern Basin & Range
Study of volcano-tectonic relationships in the Northern Basin and Range suggests a temporal relationship between basin propagation and the inception of volvanism. The age relationships...

How Microcomputer Transportation Networks Can Shift Institutional Relationships Between Governmental Agencies
This paper describes the current institutional and microcomputer relationships in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region; identifies how emerging microcomputer linkages have affected...

Using Lap Tops as Connections to Minicomputers in the City of Portland
Over the past few years, the City of Portland has used a mix of personal computers and minicomputers to accomplish its mission. This paper describes four applications of using lap top...

Portland's Light Rail: A Successful Public Private Partnership
During its first year, Tri-Met's Light Rail service, MAX, carried twice as many riders as originally projected. What is generally not understood is that MAX is more then a...

Momentum and Kinetic Energy Coefficient Research?Ramp Flumes
In October 1984. Reclamation Hydraulic Branch staff members investigated the operation of the A-Canal ramp at Klamath Falls, Oregon. The ramp flume was completed in 1983 as a water measurement...

Blimp Hangars - Tillamook, Oregon

The Construction of Homes on Four Active Coastal Landslides in Newport, Oregon: Unbelievable but True!





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