Seismic Hazard Analysis for Crude Oil Pipelines in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
The seismic vulnerability of three crude oil pipelines in and around the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) is evaluated for a repetition of the 1811-12 New Madrid events. The seismic hazard...

Migration of Spilled Oil from Ruptured Underground Crude Oil Pipelines in the Memphis Area
This study evaluated the impact of an oil pipeline rupture in the recharge area of a West Tennessee aquifer. Two potential break locations were chosen in the alluvial valley of a main...

An Assessment of Environmental Costs Associated with Crude Oil Pipeline Damage Caused by Earthquakes
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the risk of environmental contamination from oil pipeline leaks caused by earthquakes. Risk is measured both as volume of oil released and...

Feasibility Study of Petroleum Development in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
This paper discusses the viability of Antarctic petroleum development and estimates when Antarctic oil production could become economically feasible. The analysis is based on a hypothetical...

Lifeline Earthquake Engineering in the Central and Eastern U.S.
This proceedings, Lifeline Earthquake Engineering in the Central and Eastern U.S., is a collection of papers presented at the 1992 American...

Offshore Challenge
Standard design techniques weren't enough to create rigs for the Main Pass Mine, which, at 67 million long tons, is the largest offshore sulfur mine in U.S. history. The 18...

Effects of Natural Gas Storage on Gas Price Forecasts
This paper explores the effects of natural gas storage on short-term gas price forecasts. At the Southern California Edison Company (Edison), the gas price forecast incorporates a multitude...

Distant Eyes
A remotely operated vehicle is a miniature unmanned submersible that contains lights, a video camera, other instrumentation, and motor thrusters to move it through the water. The operator,...

Induced Subsidence: Environmental and Legal Implications
Subsidence of coastal areas can be induced by withdrawal of fluids from shallow, unconsolidated horizons beneath the shore zone. In southern California, Huntington Beach, Torrance/Redondo...

How Has the Joint Review Process Evolved?
The Joint Review Panel (JRP) process in California was established for offshore oil and gas-related coastal development projects to avoid duplication of effort among various permitting...

Oil-Spill Contingency Planning for OCS Operations
Oil-spill preparedness and response have been an important part of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) regulatory program since the Santa Barbara spill in 1969. The focus of the spill...

The Pacific Northwest OCS Task Force?Evolution and Status
The Pacific Northwest Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Task Force was established in January of 1989 to provide advice to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior (DOI) on issues related...

Mitigation for Offshore Development/Fishing Conflicts
Three case studies, WestGold gold dredging offshore Nome, Alaska, Endicott Causeway off Alaska's North Slope, and Platform Irene offshore California, show that project related...

Onsite Compliance Programs for Major Oil and Gas Projects
Major oil and gas projects developed in Santa Barbara County are monitored for compliance with conditions of approval through various enforcement and compliance programs. the Resource...

Effective Mitigation of Air Emissions from OCS Sources
Unmitigated, platforms and associated facilities in the OCS typically emit large quantities of air pollution from power generation, drilling, transportation and other activities related...

Monitoring and Mitigating the Socioeconomic Impacts of Coastal Oil and Gas Development
Santa Barbara County has required that all companies engaged in major offshore oil and gas projects participate in a Socioeconomic Monitoring and Mitigation Program (SEMP). Yearly impact...

Chemical Composition, Physical Properties and Off-Site Migration of Municipal Landfill Gas
A sampling program of headspace gas from four monitoring wells and of off-site migration at three property line sites was conducted as part of a remedial design of a municipal landfill....

Scenario for Improving the Seismic Resistance of Pipelines in the Central United States
A number of pipelines transporting crude oil and natural gas to the Midwest and Northeast pass within and adjacent to the New Madrid seismic zone in the central United States. A major...

Regional Risk Assessment of Environmental Contamination from Oil Pipelines
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the risk of environmental contamination from oil pipeline leaks due to earthquakes. Risk is measured both as volume of oil released and...

Seismic Hazard Along a Crude Oil Pipeline in the Event of an 1811-1812 Type New Madrid Earthquake
This paper presents an assessment of the seismic hazard that exists along a major crude oil pipeline (pipeline 22). An 1811-1812 type New Madrid earthquake with moment magnitude 8.2 is...





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