White River Basin Oil Shale Water Assessment

Salinity Impacts, White River Basin, Colorado-Utah

Water Requirements and Reuse of Process Wastewaters at Oil Shale Plants

Physico-Chemical Treatment of Omega-9 Wastewater

Oil Shale - The Beginning of a New Industry

Battlement Mesa: An Approach to Impact Mitigation

Oil Shale: The Commercial Perspective

Physical-Chemical Treatments of Oil Shale Retort Water

Strategy Development for Accommodating an Ocs Natural Gas Pipeline: New Jersey's Experience

Pipeline Route Evaluation in Coastal North Carolina

Present Conditions (1980) of the Taps Gravel Workpad

Earthquake Monitoring System Trans Alaska Pipeline

Seismic Evaluation Model for Buried Lifelines

Solar Energy for Heating Homes: How Practical�
There is a widespread belief that on-site solar energy for heating homes is still not a proven technology and that, in any event, it's much too expensive. The fact is that...

Birth of the Synthetic Fuels Industry
The U.S. is now in the early stages of creating a synthetic fuels industry, a much needed step to help to decrease America's dependence on foreign oil imports. Synfuels refer...

The Pactex Project: Any Lessons Learned?

Regulations: More is Less
Federal regulations have mushroomed since 1969. Agencies to write and enforce regulations have grown as well. Now, say engineers in industry, it is increasingly not economically feasible...

Mammoth Prefab Modules Speed Alaskan Oil
Accomplished in conjunction with construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline were the mammoth prefabricated modules erected at Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope oil fields; purpose is oil and...

The Economic Impact of the Trans-Alaska Oil PIpeline

Socio-Economic Impact of the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline on Fairbanks, Alaska





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