Hydrologic Modeling System
The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is new-generation software for precipitation-runoff simulation that will supersede the Hydrologic Engineering Centefs HEC-l program. Technical...

HEC-RAS (River Analysis System)
HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface...

A Comparison of Sediment Routing Models
In this paper the authors have compared the performance of coupled linear and non-linear methods of solution from these generic types, in order to assess their suitability for use in optimisation...

Fish Passage Pool Bedding Analysis
Anadromous fish passages, stream dynamics and the artifical channel segmented into a natural stream should fttnction seamlessly. This paper intends to develop reasonable procedures a designer...

Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationships in Fracture
Understanding and quantifying unsaturated flow through fractures in rocky slope is important for design and construction of drainage system in large-scale hydraulic engineering. The data...

Karst Water Inventories Using Thermography
An airborne thermal camera was used to locate springs, swallets, and caves in a karst watershed. The detector was an imaging infrared camera with a temperature sensitivity of approximately...

Estimating Sediment Conveyance Capacity and Deposition Potential in Culverts
In watersheds characterized by high sediment production, culverts must be designed to adequately convey both water and sediment without causing excessive backwater upstream of the culvert...

Water Based Land Use Regulations Using GIS Water Budgeting Model
Protection of water quality and supplies in developing watersheds requires maintenance of the natural water budget. Water budgeting model using GIS provides foundation for land use regulatory...

Transport Modeling of the Coastal Waters of Oahu, Hawaii
A hydrodynamic model of the coastal waters around the island of Oahu, Hawaii has been constructed to provide quantitative information on the movements and mixing of water that are to be...

Comprehensive Modelling of Water Distribution Networks
An analyst of a water distribution systems must frequently contend with a host of problems with very different time scales. Traditionally, such concerns have been accommodated by having...

Moving from a Model to a Decision Support System: Salt River Project's Experience with a Reservoir Simulation System
The Salt River Project (SRP) is in the third year of a process to develop a computerized hydra-meteorological decision support system (Hydromet) that will eventually cover all aspects...

Integrated Facility Information Systems: Total Information Access
This paper will attempt to fill the void in computer information handling with regards to facility management information by providing those in the water industry with tips and suggestions...

A Knowledge Based System for the Design of Open Channels
The design of open channel facilities often calls for evaluation of a unique set of physical conditions which do not lend themselves to standard designs and textbook solutions. Consequently,...

Privatization and Water Supply/Treatment Projects
Privatization is often mentioned as a way to get much needed, but difficult to finance infrastructure projects delivered for both developed and developing countries. However, the suitability...

Managing Conflicting Demands from Endangered Species: Taking the Challenge
Reservoir system managers face conflicting demands from interests such as water supply, flood control, recreation, hydropower, and environmental preservation. Historically, water resource...

Consensus as the Measure of Sustainability
Sustainable development is the Holy Grail of the `90s. Yet, its practical implications seem to be elusive. Metrics for measuring the level of sustainability are eagerly sought. It is very...

An Engineering Information System Application for Water Supply and Distribution Systems
Engineering information systems are characterized by both static infrastructure and dynamic time dependent data. Telemetered readings can often be relatively substantial over an extended...

Storm Drainage GIS, Modeling, and Master Planning for the City of Berkeley
The City of Berkeley has completed its Storm Sewer Master Plan. The master plan com bined the findings of field inspection worig computer-based mapping, and geographic information system...

Hollyhills Drain Relief for 1920s Drainage System
The paper will discuss design and construction problems encountered for a $50,000,000 Urban Storm Drain System in the Metropolitan Los Angeles Area. The Drainage System relieves a system...

Utilizing Coordinated Billing and Metering Systems Analysis to Enhance Utility Revenue on a Shared Revenue Basis
The Jefferson Parish Water Department provides water service to over 450,000 residents through 132,000 active utility connections and provides billing services for all Parish operated...





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