Robust Techniques for Extension of Streamflow Records
Longer hydrological records are required for the planning of water resource systems. Sensitivity of a system is studied under various scenarios of hydrological inputs to understand its...

Intelligent Decision Support System for Stage Discharge Analysis
A Decision Support System (DSS) for fitting stage-discharge (S-D) relations is being developed by the University of Manitoba, Facility for Intelligent Decision Support, for Environment...

Groundwater Transport Characteristics of Fracture Zones in a Granite Batholith
Major low-dipping fracture zones are the dominant pathways for the large scale circulation of groundwater through the Lac du Bonnet granite batholith of southeast Manitoba, Canada. The...

Using Co-Management in a Voluntary Hazardous Waste Facility Siting Process
The recent approval for construction and operation of a hazardous waste management facility in Manitoba, Canada is an example of a siting process that is voluntary and that gives the community...

Optimization of Operations?The Manitoba Hydro Experience
As part of a decision support system, Manitoba Hydro implemented a comprehensive optimization model for operations planning in the mid 1980's (Barritt-Flatt and Cormie 1991). Since that...

Reservoir Management and Thermal Power Generation
Thermoelectric power stations on regulated rivers may cause violations in stream temperature standards if the dilution water from the upstream reservoir is not adequate. However, it is...

Hydrologic Regionalization Using a Homogeneity Test
A framework is presented for a regionalization method with a region of influence (ROI) approach. The methodology explicitly incorporates a homogeneity test in the process of selecting...

Issues in the Use of an Expert System for Teaching
This paper describes an expert system called SYSES which has been developed at the FIDS laboratory at the University of Manitoba. SYSES is intended to be a teaching aid for undergraduate...

Estimating the Energy Rate Function for Hydro Power Production Optimization
Operations planning at Manitoba Hydro is aided by using the Energy Management and Maintenance Analysis (EMMA) computer program. EMMA is a Linear Programming (LP) based model with the objective...

Computer Simulation of the Long-Term Operation of the Manitoba Hydro System
The System Simulation Model is a deterministic long-term planning model used to simulate reservoir operation and energy allocation in the Manitoba Hydro system. The model uses the method...

Comprehensive Optimization Model for Hydroelectric Reservoir Operations
The Energy Management and Maintenance Analysis (EMMA) model is used to maximize net revenues to Manitoba Hydro considering the operation of hydroelectric and thermal generation, generation...

A Comparative Hydraulic Model Study of an Orifice Spillway
The results of a hydraulic model study to investigate the feasibility of using an orifice spillway at a generating station in northern Manitoba, Canada are presented. It has been suggested...

Stochastic Optimization of Reservoir Systems Operations
This paper addresses the stochastic optimization of real-time monthly operations of multi-reservoir systems by Dynamic Programming. A two-stage optimization framework that consists of...

The Effect of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems on Disease Patterns on Manitoba Indian Reserves
This study examines the links between water supply and sanitation and health on Indian reserves in Manitoba. Health data on water related diseases were obtained from health care agencies....

Geological Environmental and Soil Properties
Proceedings of the Geological Environment and Soil Properties Convention held in Houston, Texas, October 17-21, 1983. Sponsored by the ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Division. Geological...





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