Treatment of Karst Along Tennessee Highways
The construction and maintenance of highways in karst areas of East Tennessee has resulted in the occurrence and treatment of induced sinkholes along the ditchlines of numerous highways....

Foundation Treatment of Karstic Features Under TVA Dams
TVA has constructed many of its dams on limestone foundations. Some of these foundations have been highly weathered and required special treatment not only to ensure strength but to develop...

Geotechnical Aspects of Karst Terrains
Exploration, Foundation Design and Performance, and Remedial Measures
The presence of solution cavities in karst terrains poses some unique problems in site exploration, design of foundations, and in remediation of problems with existing structures. Case...

Data from Most Monitoring Wells in Limestone Terranes Are Irrelevant to Pollutant Detection but Reliable Monitoring Can Be Attained: Why and How
The conventional system of using three or more monitoring wells placed down-gradient from a site and one or more background wells placed up-gradient from it is extremely unlikely to detect...

Khao Laem?A Concrete Face Rockfill Dam on Karst
A continuously reinforced concrete faced rockfill dam has been successfully designed and constructed on a karstic limestone foundation in Central West Thailand. The dam is not in an earthquake...





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