Characteristics of Flow Over the Bucket with Gradually Varied Curvature
The bucket of a high spillway dam or a spillway tunnel is one of the parts that easily to be damaged by cavitation. A new type of bucket curve was suggested with gradually varied curvature...

Perturbation Solution to 3-D Nonlinear Cavity Flow Problems
A 3-D nonlinear problem of fully cavitating flow past an axisymmetric body at a small angle of attack is investigated by the perturbation method. The first three order perturbation equations...

Time-Domain Transmitting Boundary Condition in Fluid-Structure Interaction Studies
One of the major difficulties in the nonlinear analyses of fluid-structure interactions has been the lack of exact expressions for the transmitting boundary in the time domain. Researchers...

Computation of Wind Flow Around a Building
A numerical investigation of wind flow around a three-dimensional building is presented by solving weakly compressible flow equations, together with Smogrinsky's subgrid-scale...

A Compact Nonlinear Solution Method for Two Phase Stefan Problems
Finite element formulations for fluid filling problems with solidification are derived using previously developed unified transformation techniques. The nonlinear formulation for two phase...

Parametric Excitation of Collapsible Latex Tubes
In 1985, Liu and Ding (1989) made an experiment of collapsible tubes containing a pulsatile flow. A latex tube is sealed up in a plexiglass chamber. If the transmural pressure (TP) of...

Assessment of Left Ventricular Flow Dynamics Using the Finite Analytic Method: Potential for Clinical Applications
Left ventricular (LV) function is traditionally assessed from chamber wall motion, rheological properties of the myocardium, and invasive measurements of chamber pressure. In order to...

Effect of Stenotic Geometry on Blood Flow Behavior
The dynamic characteristics of the blood flow is affected by the area reduction of stenosis. To estimate the severity of stenosis, the information about the geometry should also be accounted....

Simulation of Blood-Heart Interaction: Validation of Approach
An existing pressure correction method to model unsteady flow with arbitrarily moving boundaries has been adapted to simulate the interaction of three-dimensional blood flow with a mitral...

Three-Dimensional Blood Flows Associated with Intra-Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation
Three-dimensional blood flow processes associated with intra-aortic balloon counterpuslation (IABP) are calculated using a Cray YMP supercomputer. The mathematical model incorporates a...

A Computer Simulation of the Blood Flow at the Aortic Bifurcation with Flexible Walls
To understand the possible role of hemodynamics in the atherogenesis, especially the effect of the flexibility of the arteries, a two-dimensional numerical model for the blood flow at...

Finite Analytic Explicit Scheme for Viscous Burgers' Equation
Burgers' equation is numerically analyzed by finite analytic method. The basic idea of finite analytic method is to incorporate the analytic solution of partial differential...

A Two-Dimensional Model of Airbag Deployment
An interactive program was developed to simulate the unfolding and deploying process of a driver side airbag in the sagittal plane. The airbag was represented by a series of nodes. We...

Simulations of Gravity-Driven Channel Flows of Disks Floating on the Flowing Viscous Fluid
A two-dimensional discrete element model has been applied to the problem of gravity-driven channel flow of uniform disks. The particles are floating on the surface of the flowing fluid...

Determination of the Deformation Characteristics of a Jet-Grouted Shallow Tunnel in Alluvial Deposits by Means of In-Situ Measurements and Back Analysis
The deformation characteristics of a jet-grouted shallow tunnel in alluvial deposits are investigated. An intensive in-situ measuring program accompanied each of the various excavation...

Jet Grouting?Uses for Soil Improvement
The frequency of use of any engineering technique depends mainly on the technical feasibility and economics of the system. In geotechnical engineering, the more problems a construction...

Pumping In and Pumping Out: Case Histories of Fluidized Sand Bypassing for Channels and Beachface Dewatering for Beaches
New technologies can change management of sand in coastal areas. Fluidization, pumping in additional water beyond the quicksand point, makes a 50:50 sand-water slurry that will flow down...

Hydrodynamic Behavior of Cohesive Sediments in Turbulent Flow
To meet both engineering and basic research requirements, a series of experiments on the deposition of cohesive soil were conducted in an annular rotating fiberglass channel-ring system...

Model Comparisons of Harbor Wave Response
Physical and numerical model tests were conducted for an idealized, flat-bottom rectangular harbor, entrance channel, and nearshore bathymetry. Bathymetry of the entrance channel and offshore...

Experiments on Stratified Flows: A Comparison with Theory
Stratified flows caused by salt wedges in estuaries, fjord flows and power station cooling waters represent very complicated flow situations with regard to their stability and rates of...





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