Estimating Runoff from Precipitation and Temperature
Increasing demands for water and the global climate change resulting from the CO2 buildup in the atmosphere require an improved evaluation of surface-water...

125 KW Small Hydro Power Plant for Escuela El Sembrador Catacamas, Honduras, C.A.

Concepcion Dam Design & Construction Problems and Their Solutions
Concepcion Dam is a curved axis gravity structure 68 m high and 695 m long. It supplies water to Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. The dam contains 290,000 cubic meters of RCC. Challenges...

Electrical Design Survey
In North America, a mini hydro project consists primarily of the civil works which routes water to the turbine generator and the electrical hardware necessary to interface it with a utility....

Problems with Irrigation Technology Transfer in Latin America
Over the last thirty years there has been a significant drop in agricultural production in Latin America, despite the fact that agricultural, irrigation and drainage projects receive about...





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