Selection of Optimum Route and Number of Stations for the Seoul-Pusan High Speed Rail System
The construction of the 411 km-long Seoul-Pusan high speed rail line began in June 30, 1992. The line connects Seoul and Pusan which are the first and the second largest cities in Korea....

Selection and Analysis of Florida's High-Speed/Intercity Rail Routes
Events during 1990 and 1991 in Florida's High-Speed Rail Franchise process have driven the project toward the status of a public works project. With greater public participation than originally...

Automation for Design of High Speed Rail Alignments
The widespread industry practice of using civil engineering software modified for the design of High Speed Rail alignment is inefficient and produces inadequate results. Advances in computer...

Maglev Utilization of Interstate Highway and Railroad Rights-of-Way
Government officials and transportation industry experts have proposed that existing highway and railroad rights-of-way could be utilized effectively to host maglev guideway route alignments....

High Speed Rail Loading Scenario and Dynamic Tuning of Track
Similarities and differences exist between conventional and high speed rail (HSR) infrastructure design. The differences stem from the dynamic nature of the HSR loading scenario and the...

Aerodynamic Resistance of Trains Running Through a Tunnel
In what follows, some previously published results and formulae have been combined in order to obtain an applicable tool for evaluating the energy consumption of trains in tunnel as a...

The Use of Multibody Software in the Wheel/Rail Contact as Applied to Very High Speed Tests
How strange may it be, the behaviour of railway vehicles depend on contact forces developing between wheels and rails inside patches of no more than 1 cm2....

High-Speed Ground Transportation and Transportation Decision-Making: A New Perspective
My remarks this morning address the issues surrounding high-speed ground transportation (HSGT) at the federal level. Specifically, I examine both the traditional and the emerging ways...

What Happened to High Speed Rail in Florida?
This paper presents a critical analysis of the 1980s Florida endeavor to develop by private sector franchise America's first true high speed rail system, its failure, and some lessons...

Condemnation & Florida's Rapid Rail Transportation
High Speed Rail Transportation Projects, (HSRT) whether initiated by private interests or government, almost always require the use of eminent domain proceedings or the threat of eminent...

Potential for the Segmental Development of High Speed Rail in the Orlando-Tampa Corridor
The State of Florida has been pursuing the planning and implementation of high speed rail in the Miami-Orlando-Tampa corridor for the past ten years. Due to financial and institutional...

Implementation and Maintenance of a TGV Line
Because of the success of the TGV in France since the opening date in 1981, SNCF plans to implement 2800 miles of new line in the next 20 years. A new line project poses two management...

Local, State and Federal Approvals in Developing High Speed Rail Systems in the U.S.
The implementation of high speed ground transportation systems in the United States will require numerous reviews and approvals at the local, state and federal levels. It is important...

Planning a Nationwide High Speed Rail Freight and Passenger Network
Planning for high speed rail networks is better done at the national level when considering widespread public benefits of these networks, and is essential when dealing with institutional...

The Singularity of Spanish Railway High Speed
The Madrid-Seville line has been the main target in many action programmes pursuing the improvement of its insufficient capacity. In 1987, the Government proposed a high speed line (250...

High-Speed Rail's Prospects in Canada
This paper reviews the attractiveness of high-speed rail in Canada. It summarizes the findings of studies on the subject by VIA Rail, Canada's national passenger rail corporation. VIA...

The French Master Plan for High-Speed Rail Services
Some 4,700 km (2,919 mi) of new line designed to operate at speeds of 350 to 400 kph (217 to 248 mph), associated with a network totaling some 11,000 km (6,832 mi) of existing lines upgraded...

Planning for the National High Speed Rail Network in Korea
High speed rail lines are being constructed or planned among other transportation modes in Korea. They are expected to contribute to alleviate already serious intercity traffic congestion...

The Technology of X2000?ABB's High Speed Tilting Train
The X2000 High Speed Tilting Train was developed by Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) in cooperation with the Swedish State Railways (SJ). The purpose of the project was to reduce trip times on...

ICE-HSR-System?Infrastructure, Rolling Stock, Operation
High-Speed trains such as the Japanese Shinkansen train in operation since 1964, the French TGV (train a grande vitesse) introduced in 1981 and the German ICE (InterCityExpress) running...





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