The SoFi Stadium Perimeter Wall: A Retaining Wall Helps Avoid Encroaching on LAX Airspace
SoFi Stadium, one of the two newest venues in the National Football League, opened in September 2020 after breaking ground in November 2016. The stadium hosts NFL games for the Rams and Chargers, and will...
A Preliminary Case for the Existence of Hurricane Alleys in the Gulf of Mexico
A review of hurricance intensity in the Gulf of Mexico suggests there are two alleys where hurricanes are roughly 20% more intense than elsewhere. This paper develops a physical basis for the alleys using...
Appendix C U.S. Department of Transportation Gulf Coast Study, Phase 2
Back matter pages come after the papers or chapters in a published work. This back matter contains U.S. Department of Transportation gulf coast study, phase 2...
Extreme Wave-Force Calculation Procedure for 20th Edition of API RP-2A
The paper describes the revised guideline design wave force calculation procedure approved for the 20th edition of the API-RP2A WSD and the first edition of the API-RP2A LRFD and contrasts...
Selected Coastal Engineering Papers of Robert L. Wiegel
Civil Engineering Classics
Sponsored by the Coastal Zone Management Committee of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE. This collection contains 54 papers and...
Maximum Weighted Log-Likelihood Estimation for Parameterization Selection Uncertainty
Hydraulic conductivity identification remains a challenging inverse problem in groundwater modeling because of inherent non-uniqueness and lack of flexibility in parameterization methods....
Remediation System Optimization with Alternatives
This work applies the enhanced multi-objective robust genetic algorithm (EMRGA) (Beckford and Chan Hilton, 2004) to Fort Ord's Site OU2 for optimal groundwater remediation under uncertainty....
Summary of Approaches for Estimating Playa Lake Flooding
Playa, or terminal, lakes are common in semi- and arid environments; and their characteristic level, hard, and usually dry surfaces make them ideal for airports, as they are used in the...
Offshore Technology in Civil Engineering
Hall of Fame Papers from the Early Years: Volume Three
Prepared by the Subcommittee on Offshore Technology Conference Support of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE. This series presents...
Port of Los Angeles Risk Management Strategies
This paper examines risk management strategies for the port of Los Angeles. Topics include its importance to the economy, potential port risks, seismic risk strategies, and terrorist risk...
Offshore Technology in Civil Engineering
Hall of Fame Papers from the Early Years: Volume Two
Prepared by the Program Committee, Offshore Technology Conference, of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute of ASCE. This series presents...
Modeling Fort Ord Site OU2's Remediation System Using Optimization
Fort Ord.s Site OU2 is located approximately 80 miles south of San Francisco near Monterey Bay in Monterey County, California. Fort Ord contains two landfills which were used for residential...
Restoring Coastal Louisiana
Enhancing the Role of Engineering and Science in the Restoration Program
Louisiana's coastal wetlands represent a significant natural and economic resource for the state and the nation but have been disappearing at a rate of 25 to 35 square miles...
Stochastic Analysis of the Truckee River Flow System
The Truckee River system is a complex system that involves a number of hydraulic structures such as natural and artificial lakes and reservoirs and diversions. Streamflow data have been...
San Diego Delivers
To maintain its ability to provide water to some of its rapidly growing regions, the city of San Diego is simultaneously laying two large diameter pipelines, one carrying potable water...
Physical Model of Current-Induced Scour at Ventura Harbor
This paper describes a 1:25-scale movable-bed physical model study of scour resulting from longshore current passing through a narrow gap on the leeside of the detached breakwater at Ventura...
Design and Construction of the Pier J Breakwaters at the Port of Long Beach, California
Several different alternatives to mitigate surge activity were investigated. The most acceptable solution was a pair of new breakwaters that altered the basin geometry to change the basin...
Construction Factors and Monitoring Methods Relating to the Performance of Ventura Breakwater Core Loc Repair
In 1999 the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) repaired the north Ventura breakwater head. The head was rebuilt using 2-ton underlayer stone armored with...
An Aggressive I/I Abatement Program is Underway as Part of Vallejos Wet Weather Program
The Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District (VSFCD) is undertaking an aggressive pilot program to control wet weather flows and eliminate sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) that are...
Turbulence, Bottom Boundary Conditions, and Sediment Transport in a Shallow Water Habitat
Field experiments were designed to explore the effects of vegetation on the hydrodynamics and sediment transport in Franks Tract, a shallow water habitat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin...
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