Predicted and Measured Behavior of Five Spread Footings on Sand
This publication contains the results of a full scale load testing program used to predict and measure the bahavior of five spread footings on sand. These results were presented at the...

Cement Manufacture and Use
This book, Cement Manufacture and Use, consists of papers presented at an Engineering Foundation meeting held in Potosi, Missouri. These papers...

Hurricanes of 1992
Lessons Learned and Implications for the Future
In 1992, Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki devastated portions of Florida, Louisiana, and Hawaii causing over $35 billion in damages and the loss of 38 lives. Hurricane Andrew, which accounted...

Columnless in Chicago
The United Center in Chicago is now home to the Bulls basketball team and the Blackhawks hockey team. The arena features luxury suites, a column-free interior and unobstructed views. An...

Enter the Dragon
The Chien Tan Dragon Boat train will be the flagship station of the 87 km Taipei Rapid Transit System (RTS) in Taiwan, which consists of eight heavy rail lines, two medium-capacity lines...

Settlement Analysis
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Manual, Settlement Analysis, presents guidelines for calculation of vertical displacements and settlement of soil under shallow foundations. As soil is...

Seismic Retrofitting: Spending to Save
Seismic retrofitting work is most often concerned with saving lives. But in cases of infrastructure, or historic structures, saving the structure, and making sure that it can operate after...

Masonry Carries the Load
Engineers frequently have preconceived notions about building materials. Masonry, for example, is commonly selected by architects for its color and texture, rather than by engineers for...

Design of Shotcrete Support from the Rock Mechanical Viewpoint
When designing tunnel support the key question is to determine the loading conditions resulting from the deformation of the rock mass during and after excavation. Principle views are given...

New Developments in Tunnel Lining by Help of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete
The combination of single shell structures in tunnelling with the use of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete is decisively able to reduce the costs of tunnel projects. Several variants of...

Fire Testing of Shotcrete Samples in a Small Furnace
The fire resistance behaviour of 8 shotcrete samples were investigated in a laboratory furnace applying ISO 834 standard test. Shotcrete was applied on 20 to 30 cm thick granite slabs...

Estimating Load Impacts on Highway Structures Using the National Bridge Inventory Database
The issuance of single and multiple permits to operate vehicles exceeding legal weight limits, along with the policy-level analysis of bridge impacts induced by changes in vehicle size...

An Overview of Analysis and Regulatory Needs to Determine Seismic Loads for Design of a High-Level Waste Geologic Repository
Determination of seismic loads and faulting hazard for siting, design and performance evaluation of a high-level nuclear waste repository facility can be accomplished with state-of-knowledge...

Design of Underground Repository Openings in Hard Rock to Accommodate Vibratory Ground Motions
A methodology and preliminary application for designing repository openings to withstand vibratory ground motions is presented. The methodology first establishes the design basis ground...

Block Dynamics Modeling in Support of Seismic Design
The behavior of an underground excavation is usually characterized by stresses and displacements which develop around the excavation as a result of prevailing field conditions. For conventional...

Seismic Design of Circular-Section Concrete-Lined Underground Openings?Preclosure Performance Considerations for the Yucca Mountain Site
Yucca Mountain, the potential site of a repository for high-level radioactive waste, is situated in a region of natural and man-made seismicity. Underground openings excavated at this...

Seismic Considerations in Sealing a Potential High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
The potential repository system is intended to isolate high-level radioactive waste at Yucca Mountain according to the performance objective - 10 CFR 60.112. One subsystem that may contribute...

Dynamic Response of Tunnels in Jointed Rocks
We describe the application of the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to the dynamic analysis of the response of tunnels in jointed rocks to earthquake loading. In situations where large motions...

Stress Wave Loading of a Tunnel: A Benchmark Study
Five different finite element or discrete element computer codes were used to solve a sequence of problems leading to the problem of stress-wave loading of a circular tunnel in a jointed...

Guidelines for the Development of Natural Phenomena Hazards Design Criteria for Surface Facilities
This paper discusses the rationale behind the guidelines, criteria, and methodologies that are currently used for natural phenomena hazard design and evaluation of DOE nuclear and non-nuclear...





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