Use of Self-Cementing Fly Ashes as a Soil Stabilization Agent
Fly ash produced in the combustion of subbituminouns coals exhibits self-cementing characteristics that can be adapted to a wide range of stabilization applications. Ash treatment can...

Flyash Stabilization of Tropical Hawaiian Soils
A preliminary study of soil improvement/stabilization of several tropical Hawaiian soils with locally generated high quality flyash admixtures has shown tremendous potential as an economical...

Stabilization of South Texas Soils with Fly Ash
The expansive soils of south Texas have traditionally been stabilized with lime or Portland cement. As an alternative, a class F fly ash was tried to stabilize expansive soils obtained...

Enzyme Enhanced Stabilization of Soil and Fly Ash
The purpose of this research was to determine if enzymes could be utilized to increased the strength and stability of soil mixed with fly ash. Samples were prepared with and without the...

A Study of Engineering Properties of a Clay Modified by Ash and Slag
Fly ash from power plants and slag from steel mills are two industrial solid wastes. These wastes can be utilized as soil stabilizers. In this study, a clay with low plasticity is mixed...

Treatment of Calcareous Expansive Clays
The geology, climatic condition and the environment of extreme disintegration, strong hydration and restrained leaching have a large influence on the formation of expansive clays in the...

Use of Pressuremeter in Mixed Highrise Foundation Design
The pressuremeter has been used extensively for the evaluation of strength and deformation characteristics of the glacial hardpan soils in the design and construction of caisson foundations...

Driven Then Pushed Minicone Tests in a Sand Chamber
For a general knowledge on the Standard Cone Penetrometer test and its uses the reader is referred to the work of Briaud and Miran (1991). For this study (Khalaf and Briaud, 1992) a smaller...

Lateral Loading Curves from Pressuremeter Tests
The large drilled shafts for the proposed Klamath Falls Bridge, which are to be founded in diatomaceous silts, were to be designed to withstand earthquake induced large cyclic loading....

Evaluation of Dilatometer Method to Determine Axial Capacity of Driven Model Pipe Piles in Clay
The flat Dilatometer (DMT) provides a unique approach to estimate the effective stress axial capacity of driven displacement piles in clay. An investigation using this approach was performed...

Verification of Deep Foundations by NDT Methods
Deep foundations are designed using static analysis techniques and the soil strength and structural integrity are then confirmed by static load tests. However, static tests are time consuming...

3-D Deformation Analysis of Pile Groups During Wave Loading
Deformation predictions of pile group supporting one leg of Magnus platform were conducted using the 3-D nonlinear computer program SPLICE (Structure/Pile/Soil Interaction Analysis) and...

Evaluation and Monitoring of Pile Performance Using Dynamic Measurements in Supporting Offshore Structures
The installation of offshore platforms into deeper waters and new environments is accompanied by an increasing uncertainty in the structure response, foundation design and performance....

Behavior of Suction Piles in Sand
In the marine environment, use of suction pressure for the installation of sealed top piles (suction piles) is a promising alternative to driven pile foundations, particularly in deep...

Drilled Shaft Side Resistance in Clay Soil to Rock
An evaluation is made of available field load test data for the axial side clay soils to hard rocks. Conventional total stress interpretations by the alpha method are used to examine the...

Perimeter Load Transfer in Drilled Shafts in the Eagle Ford Formation
Results of six full-scale compression loading tests at four sites in the Dallas area are considered. Compressive strengths (qc) of the rock varied...

Transmitted Swelling Pressures on Retaining Structures
The main objectives of this paper are to describe a finite element model to simulate the lateral swelling behavior of expansive soils as a function of soil suction change in the soil domain...

Negative Skin Friction Due to Wetting of Unsaturated Soil
A steel building at a cement plant un Utah was originally supported by spread footings. Shallow wetting of the coarse granular soils supporting the footings resulted in over three inches...

A Laboratory Procedure for Partial-Wetting Collapse Determination
Partial wetting results in partial collapse, which is linked to the reduction in soil suction caused by wetting. The laboratory procedure presented in this paper represents a modification...

Osmotic Suction as a Valid Stress State Variable in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
The hypothesis of the research being presented is that the osmotic suction of soil pore fluid is an independent, valid stress sate variable for unsaturated soils. A review of concepts...





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