Errata for "Moving Down the Road of Progress: Geosynthetics Subdue Failures on Expansive Clays and Frost-susceptible Soils"

Frozen Ground Engineering
This new edition gives a peerless presentation of soil mechanics for frozen ground conditions and a variety of frozen ground support systems used on construction project worldwide. An...

A Retrospective on Early Analysis and Simulation of Freeze and Thaw Dynamics

A New Simple Frost Model: Validated and Easy to Use

Fighting Frost Problems in New York State Pavements

Field Trial of Tire Shreds as Insulation for Paved Roads

The Laval University Road Experimental Site (SERUL): A Unique Research Facility for Low Volume Roads in Frost Conditions

Roughness Wavelengths Induced by Frost Heave

Icicle/Frost Heave Prevention System Aided by Heat Pipe for Railway Tunnel

Measurement of the Pore Size Distribution of Geomaterials Using Conductometric Phase Transition Porosimetry

Frost Heave Problems Inside a Nuclear Power Plant

Generalized Integral Laws of Frost Heaving Soils: Their Development and Use in Design of Structures and Aerodromes

Improving Prediction of Frost Penetration

Shallow Insulated Foundation Failure Due to Frost Action: Case Study

Mechanical Implications of Using Insulation Layers in Pavements

City of Duluth Long Term Street Improvement Program-History

Reducing Frost Heave with Capillary Barriers: Interim Results

Experiments on Frost Heaving Force of Ground Anchor

Performance of Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Respect to Frost Resistance: A Case Study

Winter Tenting of Highway Pavements





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