Slim Floor Steel-Concrete Composite Systems

Composite Supercolumns and Steel Diagonals Retrofit a 47-Story Steel Framed Structure

First Building in Austria with a Composite Frame Designed According to ENV 1994-1

The Effect of Composite Floor Slabs on the Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames in the Northridge Earthquake

Design Procedures for Composite Connections

Numerical Modelling of Composite Connections and Composite Frames

Simple Prediction Method for Moment-Rotation Properties of Composite Beam-To-Column Joints

Plastic Hinge Theory for Composite Floors and Frames

Florida's Framing Guidelines

Braced for Failure (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
Investigations into the collapse of steel-framed structures often focus on minor, insignificant design flaws, only to ignore the real culprit: inadequate temporary bracing. The collapse...

Contract for Home Includes Framing

Persistence Prevents a Mishap: Lessons Learned

Construction Collapse of Precast Concrete Framing at Pittsburgh's Midfield Terminal

Current Research Directions and Findings on Steel Moment Resisting Frames, An Update

Cyclic Vulnerability of Beam Top Flange Welded Joints in Existing Steel Moment Frame Connections

An Engineer's Perspective of the New Advances in Residential Steel Framing Technology

Aerated Autoclaved Concrete

Framing the Need for Uncertainty Analysis in Superfund Public Health Assessments

What the SER Can Do to Improve Erection Safety and Reduce Erection Costs

Guidelines for the Design of Double-Layer Grids
Prepared by the Task Committee on Double-Layer Grids of the Committee on Special Structures of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE. This report...





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