Quasi-Two Dimensional Modelling of Flood Routing in Rivers and Flood Plains by Means of Storage Cells
A quasi-two dimensional numerical model for flood routing in rivers and flood plains has been developed. In the river, the St Venant equations are integrated using the implicit finite...
Object-Oriented Finite Volume Dam-Break Model
This paper is devoted to Object-Oriented analysis and design techniques to two computational modules in the field of dam-breaking. The C++ Object-Oriented...
Computation of a flood event using a two dimensional finite element model and its comparison to field data
This paper reports on an attempt to begin a rigorous field testing programme for two dimensional finite element flow models, examining the impacts of mesh resolution and numerical method...
Two-Dimensional Dam-Break Flow Simulation in a Sudden Enlargement
The paper presents the use of a two-dimensional depth averaged mathematical model for an unsteady dam-break flow simulation in a sudden enlargement. Continuity and two momentum equations...
Free surface flow modelling on a complex topography
The aim of this paper is to describe the different construction stages and the validation of a free surface flow model on a complex topography. This model is based on the two dimensional...
Two-Dimensional Modelling of Flow in the River Sava
On the river Sava near Ljubljana, a sports centre with a kayak racing channel was built in 1948. For the world championship in kayak-canoe racing in 1990 totally new racing channel had...
Flood Propagation on Mobile Beds under Mountainous Flow Conditions
An implicit finite-volume scheme is used to solve the shallow water equations under mountainous flow conditions. The algorithm is stable for sub- and supercritical flows and moving internal...
A Computerized Open Channel Flow Measurement Device
This is a technical information paper with the intention of introducing a new product. It is not the intent of the author to use this as a marketing tool. However, it is the intent to...
Velocity Measurements by the One-Orange Method
Application of the most sophisticated instrumentation - so called state-of-the-art equipment - is not always necessary nor even desirable for measurement of mean velocities in verticals,...
Hot-Film Response in Three-Dimensional Highly Turbulent Flows
A methodology is described for accurate turbulence measurements with hot film or hot wires even at turbulent intensities as high as 100%. The assumptions involved and the approximations...
A Two-Dimensional Contaminant Transport Model with High-Resolution Upwind Schemes
High-resolution upwind schemes have become popular techniques to solve multidimensional transport problems. Based on the finite volume method (FVM), two-dimensional horizontal hydrodynamic...
Hydrodynamic Modeling of San Diego Bay
A two-dimensional vertically-averaged finite element model was adapted to study the hydrodynamics of San Diego Bay. The hydrodynamic model was interfaced with pre- and post-processors...
Multi-Reservoir Systems Optimization by the Aggregation/Decomposition Methodology
Studies on long term optimization of multi-reservoir systems are enhanced by the availability of closed-loop policies as available in Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP). SDP offers a...
Modeling 3-D Ground Water Mounding
Groundwater mounding is caused by localized recharge to the saturated zone in an unconfined aquifer. Estimation of groundwater mounding shape and height is important to provide an estimate...
Development of Transport Model for Groundwater Planning and Management in Taipei Basin
The objective of this paper is to develop a groundwater model for contaminant transport simulation. The transport model, in conjunction with the previously developed flow model, is used...
Modeling of Maximum Velocity in Open-Channel Flow
A great deal of information about an open channel flow is contained in the maximum velocity, which, along with the entropy parameter, can determine the mean velocity. Therefore, the maximum...
High-Resolution Upwind Schemes for Solving Mass Transport Equation
A fractional-step algorithm is employed to solve the mass transport equation by decomposing the advection-dispersion equation into two portions, pure advection and pure dispersion. High-resolution...
Numerical Simulation of One Dimensional Transcritical Flow
The term transcritical flow describes the existence of both subcritical and supercritical flow simultaneously within the computational domain. Transcritical flow situations are encountered...
Depth-Averaged Flow Model in Curvilinear Coordinates
Implementation of a depth-averaged model in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates permits to resolve questions about grid refinement, the representation of complicated boundaries, and the...
Treatment of Nonhomogeneous Terms in Flow Models
A study of the relative significance and treatment of nonhomogeneous terms in unsteady open-channel flow simulation models has been conducted. The effects of nonhomogeneous terms including...
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