Microworlds for Learning Through Inquiry
We discuss several computer-based environments to support learning through inquiry, called microworlds, including two focused on steam power plant operation and electronic troubleshooting....
Seismic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Building Using Finite-element Techniques
The response of a reinforced concrete building subjected to earthquake loading has been obtained on a personal computer using the finite-element code STARDYNE. For preliminary design,...
Nonlinear Analysis and Experimental Validation of a Stiffening Truss Chord of the Golden Gate Bridge
Finite element analyses of a stiffening truss chord of the Golden Gate Bridge were conducted by the authors as part of a comprehensive seismic retrofit project conducted by T. Y. Lin International...
MoveCapPlan: In Integrated System for Planning and Controlling Construction Material Laydown and Handling
This paper focuses on modeling and improving flow. It presents a computer-based system for planning and controlling construction material laydown and handling. This system, named MoveCapPlan;...
Time-Space Tradeoff Strategies for Space-Schedule Construction
Space availability on a construction site can have a major impact on the efficiency and constructability of a project. Especially when space is limited, tradeoffs between activity sequencing,...
Automatic, Remote, Multiplexed Geotechnical Measurements with Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) has been employed successfully in geotechnical applications such as monitoring of rock mass deformation in a variety of geometries; however, required operation...
An Object-Oriented Approach to PC Finite-Element Solutions
A methodology for developing a finite-element program with a variety of applications within civil engineering is presented. Application include simple structural analysis, groundwater...
Application of the FESWMS-2DH Software to Solve the Navigation Problem at EL-Menya Bridge in Egypt
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the application of a two-dimensional Finite Element Surface Water Modelling System on a navigation problem located along the Nile river in front...
Application of OOP and GUI to the Development of Educational Software in Structural Mechanics
A pilot project on the development of educational software in structural mechanics is reported herein. A computer program for the demonstration of shear, moment, and deflection diagrams...
Teaching Soil Mechanics Laboratories with Computer Assistance
This paper discusses the methods involved in teaching the laboratory section of an undergraduate course in soil mechanics using computer assistance. The lab covered one semester with students...
A Flexible Structural Analysis Method for Computer-Aided Preliminary Design
This paper presents a new method for supporting structural analysis during preliminary design stage that is based on Gere's idea of 'moment distribution'. The extension is that in this...
A Simplified Method of Multistory-frame Analysis Including the P-? Effect
A simplified method of non-iterative analysis of rigid multistory-frames having vertical columns with different heights within the same story is developed by means of a modification to...
Integrating Computer Applications for Traffic Data Analysis
Transportation and traffic engineers have traditionally used a variety of software packages and data sources to comprehensively evaluate traffic operations and establish project priorities....
A Sketch is Worth a Thousand Rule Traces
The paper presents techniques for augmenting communication among building designers by providing (1) interdisciplinary explanation facilities to visualize and annotate CAD models, such...
Simulating Learning Development for Construction
This paper presents the methodology used to model the learning development phenomenon in the CYCLONE format using the Boeing learning curve. CYCLONE is a discrete event process interaction...
BRICAL: A Multimedia Intelligent Educational System for Bridge Engineering
This paper discusses the development of a multimedia intelligent educational prototype system for bridge engineering called BRICAL. BRICAL uses information networks to express the relationships...
Software Interface in Engineering Applications
The evolution of personal computer (PC) software has reached the point where most major types of software will interact. The ability of PC programs to share various texts, graphics and...
Application of OOP in Developing Finite Element Analysis Programs Using C++
Using the object oriented programming technique, a library of object classes has been developed and implemented using C+PLU2 for easy generation of finite element analysis programs. A...
Extensions of Finite Element Dental Stress Analysis
Some two dimensional models for stress analysis of dental crowns are examined and compared in relation to boundary conditions and some other issues in finite element analysis. The current...
Finite Element Limit Load Analysis by the Static Approach Using Nonlinear Programming
The static approach to limit analysis using finite element modelling is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem and applied to the vertical cut problem. Whereas the kinematic approach...
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